This week has just been beserk. There really hasnt been much time to sit, never mind type anything. The highlight of the week so far has been Laura in Irish Step camp. Maura is running an Irish step class every night for two hours. Laura LOVES it. She gets up in the morning and gets her bag packed as soon as she's out of bed. She doesnt have to get there until 6pm. tap tap and then a sideways fling and then some more taps.
Monday we brought her down to the class and I told her that I was going to take the class with her. The hall was a little hot. On Tuesday she told Lyn that we had to take an air conditioner with her because Maura was too hot during the class. When Lyn explained to her that it wasnt an option she said that she would settle for the fan in my room. Maura has been picking her up and dropping her off at Nana's house. We met her there tonight and she was showing us all the dance steps that she had learned today. Catherine and Jack, of course followed and did their version of the dance. Catherine would tap tap and run sideways into the hallway all the way from the living room. She is dying to do some of these things. Jack just keeps tap tapping. Jimmy just shakes his head and wants no part of it.
Jack just keeps smiling all day long. He keeps saying all different words and saying hi to everyone he sees just as long as they dont talk back to him too much. He's a snuggler and loves hugs and kisses. Every morning when I leave I can see the top of his head from the eyes up, at the front window and he makes a clenched fist and releases it, his way of saying bye bye.
Catherine and Laura still request that I trip two times from the front door to my car. Now they want three trips. the other day I almost landed on my butt tripping for them.
Jimmy was downstairs playing Xbox tonight when Lyn took the kids to Nana's house for Maura to pick up Laura. Every at bat on the Xbox game, he would come running up the stairs and give me an update on what was going on. He would make me guess who was up, who made an error. I was trying to take a nap but it wasnt happening.
Both Jimmy and Laura are always asking about Grammy Franny and Heaven. They loved her very much. Laura was talking yesterday about how she loved the gifts GF used to give her. She talks specifically about some Hannah Montana doll or bag. Lyn would buy things for the kids and tell them that they were from Grammy and the kids remember all the things that Grammy gave to them. Catherine asks about GwamFwanny too but she doesnt quite understand it as well as the other two. We certainly miss her alot.
The next two weeks we are on vacation and i'm sure there will be lots of swimming and tennis involved. Lyn bought me a new tennis racket. The kids have been playing tennis on the street in front of the house usually using a hockey ball or wiffle ball.
Jimmy has worn out the front lawn again where you can see where all the bases would be and the area of home plate is well worn once again after the grass came in for a short while. The other day he was running the imaginary bases. He'd stop and talk strategy and then either steal a base or tag up from a fly ball. He is going to be playing fall baseball this year with older kids. I think he'll do okay.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
And more baseball
Last night Darlene and Bill invited us to go to the Spinners game along with Jimmy and Zach. I found a new Pizza place before the game, yummy. Zach owned the place. Everyone there seemed to know him and he seemed to know his way around pretty well.
The two turkeys, Zach and Jimmy, are like two peas in a pod. They have a good time together. Around the third inning we went to the Swamp which is an area by the left field bullpen where the kids can horse around playing games. When we got there it started to rain and didnt stop. The kids still got in some games. By far the best game was the monster slide. It had just enough rain on it to let the kids fly off of it at the end. I was the biggest kid on it and was soaking wet from being childish. They called the game after four innings so we filed out in a disorderly fashion. There is going to be a game where a foul ball is going to come our way and one of us has to catch it. He anticipates catching a foul ball. At one point he was sitting on my lap and jumped off and told me that I had to have room to catch the foul ball when it came our way.
Laura was telling me this morning that she wanted to be an artist when she grows up. Catherine, hearing this, said that she wanted to be an artist too. Laura then told her that she should be a doctor. This set off a firestorm for a couple of seconds because Catherine wants to be an artist now too. Laura even offered to have her artist shop next to Catherines doctors office but that didnt work.
This morning when I got up I was tip toeing past the boys room so not to wake them up but I was surprised to see the two of them sitting quietly on the couch watching the replay of..what else...last nights Red Sox game. Jack doesnt do anything quietly. He came onto the bed shortly after and the cat was out of the bag and all four of them joined in.
The two turkeys, Zach and Jimmy, are like two peas in a pod. They have a good time together. Around the third inning we went to the Swamp which is an area by the left field bullpen where the kids can horse around playing games. When we got there it started to rain and didnt stop. The kids still got in some games. By far the best game was the monster slide. It had just enough rain on it to let the kids fly off of it at the end. I was the biggest kid on it and was soaking wet from being childish. They called the game after four innings so we filed out in a disorderly fashion. There is going to be a game where a foul ball is going to come our way and one of us has to catch it. He anticipates catching a foul ball. At one point he was sitting on my lap and jumped off and told me that I had to have room to catch the foul ball when it came our way.
Laura was telling me this morning that she wanted to be an artist when she grows up. Catherine, hearing this, said that she wanted to be an artist too. Laura then told her that she should be a doctor. This set off a firestorm for a couple of seconds because Catherine wants to be an artist now too. Laura even offered to have her artist shop next to Catherines doctors office but that didnt work.
This morning when I got up I was tip toeing past the boys room so not to wake them up but I was surprised to see the two of them sitting quietly on the couch watching the replay of..what else...last nights Red Sox game. Jack doesnt do anything quietly. He came onto the bed shortly after and the cat was out of the bag and all four of them joined in.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Kung Fu Fightin-Panda style
Saturday, Zach came over to hang out with Jim Jim. When they get bored they have to pick on my poor little Laura. The songs that they come up with. Usually it has something to do with someone being stinky. I loaded up Jimmy, Zach, Laura and Catherine and we headed out to the movies to see Kung Fu Panda. It started out kind of slow but it had its funny moments.
Before the movie we went to WalMart and loaded up on tons of candy so each kid could have something to munch on. At the movies i had to keep saying shhhhh to all of them up until the point where I just gave up. We had a good time though and headed to get ice cream after the movie, it was very hot outside today.
This week Jimmy was in a flag football camp. He won the biggest trophy of all because he was the only kid in camp who was undefeated in games. They move kids around all week to different teams all week and there is two or three games a day. Jimmy didnt lose all week so he got the bragging rights.
Laura found our pictures from the trip to NYC and has been carrying them around again wherever she goes. I looked at her this morning and I just cant believe how big she is getting. There is a doorframe in Jimmy's room where I have placed pencil marks to show their height. Its unbelievable how much she has grown since we moved here and in the last year.
BY FAR, Catherine was the best behaved today. She was my superstar. When we went to the ice cream place she asks for purple ice cream and I have to whisper to the girl behind the counter that it is black rasberry ice cream. If Catherine hears me she gets all in a huff and tells the girl she only wants purple.
The Adnoidecdtomy (I may have made that name up) worked wonders for Jack. He is speaking so many more words since his surgery and is much more clearer. Thankfully, he is sleeping a little better too.
Umple Eddie challenged Laura to a game of basketball and was showing off his slick moves. Laura beats him on the outside game but he owns the paint. Here I think he was showing off his game.
Before the movie we went to WalMart and loaded up on tons of candy so each kid could have something to munch on. At the movies i had to keep saying shhhhh to all of them up until the point where I just gave up. We had a good time though and headed to get ice cream after the movie, it was very hot outside today.
This week Jimmy was in a flag football camp. He won the biggest trophy of all because he was the only kid in camp who was undefeated in games. They move kids around all week to different teams all week and there is two or three games a day. Jimmy didnt lose all week so he got the bragging rights.
Laura found our pictures from the trip to NYC and has been carrying them around again wherever she goes. I looked at her this morning and I just cant believe how big she is getting. There is a doorframe in Jimmy's room where I have placed pencil marks to show their height. Its unbelievable how much she has grown since we moved here and in the last year.
BY FAR, Catherine was the best behaved today. She was my superstar. When we went to the ice cream place she asks for purple ice cream and I have to whisper to the girl behind the counter that it is black rasberry ice cream. If Catherine hears me she gets all in a huff and tells the girl she only wants purple.
The Adnoidecdtomy (I may have made that name up) worked wonders for Jack. He is speaking so many more words since his surgery and is much more clearer. Thankfully, he is sleeping a little better too.
Umple Eddie challenged Laura to a game of basketball and was showing off his slick moves. Laura beats him on the outside game but he owns the paint. Here I think he was showing off his game.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Little Franny

Sunday I became a godfather for the third time. Got to change my voice now. It's a nice honor to be chosen especially for little Frances who was born into this world twelve hours before another Frances left. It is very touching that they named her accordingly. Same hospital too. It should be quite an honor for the little gal. I'm sure she'll hear all about her namesake. Hopefully she'll feel the same way. It's not the most popular name for kids, actually you dont hear it much anymore. Fran would be proud.
During the baptism Catherine and Laura got to help the priest hand out the vests and hold the oil. They were so cool.
After the baptism we went over to Kevin's house where the kids all played. Jack stayed home with Nana.
Auntie Chrissy's again

Off to aunt Chrissy and Uncle David's house again for the pool and wiffle ball excitement. Cousin Nicole came over and was lounging around and stealing all the kielbasa from me. She told me that Strawberry shortcake is 20 years old. Just how the heck can that be.
Jimmy was playing with the big boys in wiffle ball and lounging with them, joining them when they were doing all these crazy jumps off the diving board. He would take his turn after they all took their turns trying to make the biggest splash. After a while he would chill out on the swing with cousin Carl. He was so cool. At one point many of the kids went over to join Carl. He seems to be pretty good with the buggah's.
Jack was running around the edge of the pool with his bubble on while Catherine was dipping her toes in and Makayla and Laura were swimming around like the pool sharks that they are. Dominick was hanging out with Jack running around edge too.
Jack cant get enough of Nana. She is BY FAR his favorite of all people. Even when she's not with him all he talks about is Nana Nana Nana. She doesnt get to eat when he's around. I think she likes it though. when aunt estelle got to the pool Jack looked at her and said "hi aunt estelle". He's nuts.
John was at the house and fixed our washing machine once again. The pipe to the street was all clogged and he had to break it and put new pipes in. I was going to do it myself, but...........I'm just too nice to him.
I caught Jimmy spitting on the ground while he was playing baseball today. He saw the baseball players on TV doing it, they all do it. The little stinker. He had three hot dogs at aunt chrissy's. Catherine is going to be covered in bandaids by the time she's ten.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Kit Kittredge
The girls and I went to the movies this morning to see Kit Kittridge. Its an American Girl Doll movie. Kit was a ten year old girl during the depression who became a journalist. Laura really liked the movie and Catherine didnt quite get it but liked hanging out with us. Of course there were two trips to the potty and another to the popcorn/sprite trip. Not only did they give us a happy meal type thing for over twenty bucks, we went twenty rows up, sat down and realized they didnt give us any straws. That went over well. Catherine fell asleep on me for about a half-hour during the movie but she was pretty good overall.
After the movie we went to the Tea Party shop and had a couple of muffins. We came home, played around and watched some TV tonight when mom and aunti jo went to the red sox. Doe also came over with Nana. Lyn went to pick up the car yesterday from the mechanic, paid and drove home only to break down a couple of streets down. The fan belt broke. This morning the inlaws came to fix it. Nana told me she was upset that she missed the chocolate "yo marion" cake.
Laura told me this week she had something to show me. She brought me into my bedroom and showed me her American Girl doll without a head. I dont know what happened but she told me that we had to go the doll museum in New York city. Fortunately, I was able to fix it myself. Just cant lose your head over it. (bad joke)
After the movie we went to the Tea Party shop and had a couple of muffins. We came home, played around and watched some TV tonight when mom and aunti jo went to the red sox. Doe also came over with Nana. Lyn went to pick up the car yesterday from the mechanic, paid and drove home only to break down a couple of streets down. The fan belt broke. This morning the inlaws came to fix it. Nana told me she was upset that she missed the chocolate "yo marion" cake.
Laura told me this week she had something to show me. She brought me into my bedroom and showed me her American Girl doll without a head. I dont know what happened but she told me that we had to go the doll museum in New York city. Fortunately, I was able to fix it myself. Just cant lose your head over it. (bad joke)
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Aunt Chrissy's pool
It was a pretty cool weekend and week. Not exactly cool, but red hot. On Sunday Lyn and Marion had to go to Boston to see an old neighbor in the hospital. We all loaded up in the hillbilly minivan and went out to breakfast. Its getting easier to take all four of them out. They are good kids and as long as they have something to write on they are pretty good. They enjoyed Mickey Mouse pancakes and Catherine ate everything I had on my plate too.
Jack had to have surgery on Monday to take out his adnoids, a little tonsil and put some tubes in his ears. Jimmy and Catherine had to have similiar surgeries in the past. The worst part of the whole thing is bringing him into the Operating Room and leaving him there. They place the mask over his face and he gives me this look, his eyes are saying what did you do to me. Its just so unnatural to see them put the mask over his face and his little eyes turn red. You would think I would know enough not to look. I thought I could take it because I've been through it before but it still gets you. I felt as though I was lying to the little buggah.
Overall, he handled it all like a champ. After the surgery he just cried and cried until he got some magic juice which put him out for about an hour. He woke up and began playing like nothing happened. A little bit of a fever later in the day but Lyn didnt really let him out of her sight all day and he was taken care of pretty well.
Jimmy is in wrestling camp all week with Zach and Jacob. He doesnt seem too enthusiastic about it but he is looking forward to flag football camp next week. He went into a camp about two weeks ago and cousin Timmy came by to visit. Jimmy was telling the other kids that he was Timmy's cousin. Of course Timmy is like a rock star to these kids. Zach didnt believe him and went up to Timmy and asked him to confirm it. When Zach came back Jimmy was the coolest kid once again.
On Saturday James went to the Spinners game with Lyn when I got a couple of extra tickets and on Sunday we went to the game with the other two turkeys and their dads Bill and Mike. Jimmy got to go on the field twice. Both times he was out there to dance, one of the times to do the chicken dance. What moves that kid has. 

Catherine and Laura want me to take them to the Spins game soon too. I think we might go to the movies on Sunday instead. I'm not so sure they really enjoy the baseball thing enough just yet. They will get to go this year but I think they'll like that a little more.
The last two days all the kids have gone to Aunt chrissy's pool. Everyone shows up, there are usually kids all over the place so the kids love to play.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
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