Monday, June 23, 2008

Swearing In

We started on the train. A little early by my standards but we got there in time. Any time these two get together you can count on a little bit of trouble.

The whole gang outside the Great Hall. This is the official register that I got to sign my name in. It really was quite an honor.
The day was all it was cracked up to be. Graduation from law school was nice but this day is really the day that I was looking forward to. We got into the hall at Fanuel Hall and all I could do was stare at the walls, the statues, the painting and feel the history. This was the same place that my mother stood in sixty eight years ago as she competed in the State Spelling bee. As I sat down I sucked that all in and couldnt help but get choked up a bunch of times.
Lyn went up on stage with me to present me with my bar certification. The protocol was for her to recieve the citation from the clerk of courts and then present it to me. She got it and I got a little teary eyed, not bad though, and we walked over to the photo-op area without her ever presenting it to me. We had a little chuckle about that slight.
After the ceremony we headed over to Durgin Park for a great lunch.

Checking in with my arm charm.

They told us we could only have four guests but I studied law, not math.
I guess someone let it slip that these two ladies were the first females to be married (same sex couple) in Massachusetts. They recieved a couple of second looks. I dont know who that someone was.

One time we all made a trip to DC to see JoJo. I think it was for her graduation. When the plane landed in Boston Marion was standing behind me in the aisle and some of the Aunts were standing behind her waiting to exit the plane. The lights flickered on the plane as we were exiting and not missing a beat I yelled out "who grabbed my ass"? I looked back to embarass Marion in front of the whole plane but the joke was on me, without my knowledge she had stopped and allowed a nun to come into the aisle, directly behind me. That day I learned there is nowhere to hide on an airplane.


Anonymous said...

arm charm? lame

frank528 said...

Arm charm, Arm Candy..whatever works.

Anonymous said...

i like arm candy much better! :)