Jimmy and his Tiger uniform

Laura has surprised me this year with how much she likes soccer. She is very good at it and she gets to play with a girl from her T-Ball team. She especially likes playing in the playground after the games. I get tired just watching her. She loves the monkey bars but she has to have someone standing under her while she goes from one rung to the next.

Jack is a bundle of energy. His favorite thing to do is go outside. We have to keep a good eye on him because as soon as someone goes to put their shoes on he grabs his shoes and heads outside. He still likes to watch Annie and the Mickie mouse clubhouse. When the theme song comes on the TV gets cranked up so they can all sing and dance. They do the same thing for any Hannah Montana song.

This is Laura and Catherine from Catherine's graduation. They get along great and Laura likes to help Catherine doing anything. Here, they are singing a "smelly" song to each other.
There were just a couple extra pics from this month that are too beautiful to hide in the hard drive
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