Saturday, June 28, 2008

100th Post

Where does the time go??? I started this thing in 2006 because I knew that I wanted to write things down about what the little buggahs were doing, mostly to remind me as time went by but also I want them to read this when they get older to remember what they did as kids. I remember bits and pieces from my childhood but this should be a good diary for them to refresh their memories.
Alot has happened since blog #1 and most things have been included in the blog. Jimmy, Laura, Catherine and Jack are our lives and we couldn't imagine life without them, any of them. When we think back to life pre-kids we remember what it was like to go where you want, when you want and do what you want. We gave that up but so far the upside is much better. At night when I go to kiss the kids before I go to sleep and they are sleeping I could sit and watch them all night. Notice how I say at night while they are sleeping.......getting them to sleep can be WWIII. They are worth every bit of chaos that we have to go through.
I hope to keep up with the blog because I actually enjoy doing it. This month, June 2008, I bought myself a new camera and have taken more pictures than any other month, excluding the month Jimmy was born. I dont think I could ever touch that number. Last night James slept over Zach's house and he went to the beach today with Zach also. Lyn and I went to a graduation party and didnt get to see him until about 8:30PM when we got home. I missed the little buggah. Its Catherines time to get the alone time with Daddy, I dont know where to bring her this time. I'm sure we'll think of something. All the kids love having Zach come over

We have instituted the "naughty chair" which is actually the base of the fireplace for the kids when they are bad. Today, Catherine was out back with Nana and came to me in the front yard and told me that she had to go to the naughty chair. I dont know what it was she did but I think it lost its effectiveness if they are requesting to go inside and sit on it. I should have known that Nanny is just a TV show. I do know they own me.
The water slide was put up for the summer. There was also the CVS special screenhouse that went up in the back yard. It lasted for a good two hours until the monsoon came and tilted it sideways. It rocked the moorings but it still leans. If you look at it, it seems as if it belongs with the tape covering the zippers and the bent chairs. Its so hard to accept that WE are the people from that side of the tracks.
Catherine went on the water slide which was a big thing because last year she wouldnt go down the slide. Jack just looks at it with big eyes and wants to join everyone going down. He just has no fear. He's exhausting. Big Bill just laughs all the time when the kids act up a bit and tells everyone who they take after.
Maura and Umple Eddie came over today for a luncheon feast. We put Eddie to work once again. The aches and pains o my.

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