Friday, June 13, 2008


When my brother Patrick and I were kids we used to spend hours and hours in the back yard throwing the baseball pretending to be Red Sox pitchers and using their pitching motion. I could still imitate many different pitchers of the 70's like Luis Tiant and even obscure pitchers like Rick Wise and Jim Willowby. Yesterday, after school and before Laura's game, I was out on the front lawn with Jimmy and he was pitching and I was catching. I was telling him to throw the ball with a straight motion, over the top so not to strain his arm. He tells me he's Papelbon while he's throwing. That is fine because its about the way I want him to throw. Sometimes he gets a little nutty and I tell him to throw like Jimmy throws.. .Well, he starts throwing submarine style with his arm flailing to the right side in a sideward motion. I asked him...what are you doing? He says, "I'm Jennifer Lopez"............I believe he meant Javier Lopez, a pitcher for the Red Sox.

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