June was a big month for Jimmy and Laura. There was baseball, T-ball, irish step, ballet, hockey, soccer and swimming. It's amazing that they still give us a hard time about going to bed on time. We actually cut bedtime from 8pm to 7:30pm but they beat us up over it. Its usually me they beat though.

Jimmy and Laura had their last games of the season this weekend. Laura has turned into quite an athlete and swimmer too. Jimmy has impressed with his baseball prowess. He wanted to bat lefty for one at bat this year so I let him get up lefty the last game of the year. He hit a nubber to third base for a single. Last year that was all we hoped for, this year he is hitting it on a fly to the outfield on a regular basis. It was a great year and we got to meet a whole bunch of good kids and parents. I hope to coach again next year at the next level but who knows. Jimmy had been practicing the Star spangled banner so tonight I took a video of him singing it. I talked to the announcer at the Spinners game about the tryouts and he told me to send him a tape. Poor Jimmy, I think he got his singing voice from Lyn's side and wasnt lucky enough to sing like Daddy.

Jack absolutely loves his big brother. He starts the baseball chant "extra, extra read all about it Jimmy's gonna crush it no doubt about it". He went to Jacob's game with Kara and was chanting "lets go Jacob let go".
At night before he goes to sleep I sing him Hey Jude. He now sings along with me when I sing it to him and he knows that it is time to go to sleep. He doesnt even give me a hard time about it. He has gotten over his fear of Kara and now he loves her like the other kids do. He even goes up to Umple Eddie too and laughs with him.

Catherine is just itching to get into an organized sport like her siblings. She is getting to be such a good girl and helps out the best she can. She loves to change her dresses all the time and look pretty. She also loves riding her bike outside and she's sort of a daredevil with cuts and scrapes all over her. She's a snuggler and loves to sit next to daddy and mommy with kisses.

Jack wants us to hit the ball to the bat so he can throw the bat down and run run run......