Monday, March 10, 2008

St. Patty's week

Another great week at the old home. Got home every night after work and Jimmy and Laura were ready for me waiting for Spring Training to begin. Spring training consisted of stretching in the living room and then off to the garage for fielding and hitting off the tee. When we do the stretching, All four of the kids are there joining us, including Jack. When we throw the ball around in the garage, sometimes the kids get carried away and are whipping that ball. Jimmy throws so fast now and Laura doesnt know how good she can throw. We are bound to break something and get in trouble with mommy. I have to stay 0n her good side too.
The hot water heater blew up on us this week also. went a couple of days running to nana and does house to shower. I was going to have the plumber come over and install a new one but the quoted price was higher than the GNP of some countries. Doe ended up putting it in for us. He informed me that I am too good to him. I try.
Sunday we went to a St Patty's show that Maura was running. Laura and Catherine were up dancing around and they both made new friends to dance with. Laura asks everyone to sleep over our house. Catherine was loving doing the Irish Step. We danced and bounced. It was so disheartening that I wasnt able to sing because I lost my voice. There were others who were rejoicing because of it but i'm hoping to get it back soon.
Jack fell last night and lyn got him right away with the ice on his eye. It looked like it would bulge but it wasnt all that bad this morning.
It was Grammy Frannies birthday Saturday. Laura and Catherine were so excited all week about making her a gift. Laura made her this thing (dont know what to call it) that had some wires coming out of a stirofoam base. It was cute. Catherine made her a book full of her drawings.
three months till the results are in

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3 whole months? YIKES!