Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First time manager

Tonight I started my first meeting as coach of Jimmy's baseball team. I have all the equipment and recieved the roster. Laura is going to start T-Ball too. I'm kind of nervous about it but it'll go good i'm sure. I'm trying to work a trade so that Zach and Clayton can get on the team too. Jimmy beat me straight up in air hockey again tonight. The first game was Laura and I against Jimmy, Catherine and Jack. Each one of them took turns crying about one thing or another but cooled it off after a while. Jimmy read a whole book to me at bedtime. It was something about a dog wanting to be a wolf(The dog who cried wolf) and he knew almost all of the words. I cant believe how far he has come this year in school. I'm scheduled for volunteering again next week. The same day is their first day of swimming lessons and that night the two girls are going to Annie with us in the city. It'll be a busy day and night.
Catherine keeps talking about her birthday coming up next month. She says I need to talk to you bout my birfday, then i ask her when her birthday is and she says April furfteenth.

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