Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Miracle Mermaid

While awaiting all the snow to melt we came across Laura's mermaid that hasn't been seen all winter. It was stuck in a snowbank and was released during the thaw. Surprisingly, Laura picked it up and hit the tail wag button and it worked. After a little cleaning its as good as new. Amazing what great quality products they have in China.

Big Meghan came to stay with us for three days this weekend. She cant wait to get home to get some sleep. Between someone snoring and children waking up early she has decided not to have children. I told her i'd lend her my Swedish nanny after I'm done with her.

Grammy Franny stopped by today with Patsy and cousin Patrick.

Tonight we went to the hockey game with Mommy and Big Meghan. Jimmy again had first row seats. When we got home Jimmy was ultra hyper diving all around the floor. He took off his Devils game shirt and put on his Red Sox shirt because the game was on the TV. He was bouncing off the walls. He's lying on Catherine's bed listening to the game yelling at us when he hears something. The girls are sleeping on an air mattress as a sort of sleepover.

Plans are set for a Red Sox game with Zach, Clayton and their dads for Jimmy's birthday. We have six seats to the sox. I am told they are right behind the bullpen.

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