some egg painting. Margo and the kids were there along with Doe and Nana.

Something must have happened over the weekend because Laura, James and Daddy ended up tossing our cookies. We had to cancel going to Aunt Jo's house for Easter Sunday. We had also planned on going to Timmy's house and had to cancel.
Kara also got sick and the whole easter sunday thing had to cancel. Aunt Jo ended up driving here and delivered the food here and to Kara's.

when the kdis woke up there was still eggs to find around the house and outside. When they went to sleep no one was sick yet so we had placed eggs outside. Laura, Catherine and Jack ended up going outside to do an egg hunt but Jimmy said that he would stay inside and watch. there is a picture of him doing just that. All he wanted from me is three of the golden colored eggs. There were still plenty of eggs hid inside the house.

Laura and Catherine each got a Hannah Montana wig, Jimmy got a new set of golf clubs to start. They all made out pretty good. Last night they wouldnt go to sleep so we had to call the Easter Bunny. He happened to be over Uncle Timmy's house. When the Easter Bunny talked to Catherine i have never seen her run so fast after she talked to him. They left carrots and milk out. 

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