Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bruins Game

On Thursday Jimmy and I went to the Bruins game with Timmy and Parker. Even though they lost we had a great time. Alot of junk food was eaten by both of us. Thankfully, there was no throwing up on the train. We ended up taking the train to and from the Garden. It is so much easier.
Jimmy made a sign for the game and kept holding it up. He made me write "Go bruins, you rock" and had his name on it.
Went to a Japanese restaurant on Saturday night for one of Lyn's cousins 30th Birthday. I NEVER thought I'd eat at a Japanese restaurant but, I loved it. I still didnt eat any sushi. I tried to, put it on my fork and even brought it close to my mouth but it wouldnt go through the uprights. We ended up going out to a bar with Uncle Eddie and some more of the cousins. Its a good thing for Designated Drivers. Over to Kara's for Corned Beef and Cabbage on sunday, now that was real good. I'm trying to stay under 200 lbs but this food stuff keeps getting in the way.
Laura loved her green wig and even wore it to school on St Patty's day. I have a matching one too. I ate so much at Kara's. Even after everyone had left the table I told them to hold on before taking my silverware because i was on overtime with the eating.

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