Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Miracle Mermaid

While awaiting all the snow to melt we came across Laura's mermaid that hasn't been seen all winter. It was stuck in a snowbank and was released during the thaw. Surprisingly, Laura picked it up and hit the tail wag button and it worked. After a little cleaning its as good as new. Amazing what great quality products they have in China.

Big Meghan came to stay with us for three days this weekend. She cant wait to get home to get some sleep. Between someone snoring and children waking up early she has decided not to have children. I told her i'd lend her my Swedish nanny after I'm done with her.

Grammy Franny stopped by today with Patsy and cousin Patrick.

Tonight we went to the hockey game with Mommy and Big Meghan. Jimmy again had first row seats. When we got home Jimmy was ultra hyper diving all around the floor. He took off his Devils game shirt and put on his Red Sox shirt because the game was on the TV. He was bouncing off the walls. He's lying on Catherine's bed listening to the game yelling at us when he hears something. The girls are sleeping on an air mattress as a sort of sleepover.

Plans are set for a Red Sox game with Zach, Clayton and their dads for Jimmy's birthday. We have six seats to the sox. I am told they are right behind the bullpen.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Off to the Wang to see the magical musical Annie with Laura and Catherine. We were seated in the center of the stage and had the first two rows of the balcony all to ourselves. What an awesome time with singing, smiles and clapping all night long. Both Laura and Catherine kept telling me what a great movie this was.
Catherine was given a booster seat but most of the night she had my left leg and Laura had my right. When it came time for the songs both girls sang loud along with the cast...loved it when the sun will come out tomorroooooooooooow song was sang. They were so cute singing the song because they sang it with such passion.
They got to wear their Easter clothes for the first time because they didnt get to wear them for Easter. Catherine loves to dress up and kept telling me about her beautiful dress. Laura thought the theater was Daddy Warbucks house. When we walked in and we had to walk up the front staircase she thought she recognized them from the movie. The show took almost three hours and the girls didnt ask to go home once.
Catherine crashed by the time Daddy Warbucks adopted Annie for good. She crashed good too. It was around 10:15pm by that time and the show started at 7:30. We brought pull-ups for her but she was very good and asked (three times) to go potty. She remained dry all night. At one point she took some M&M's and put them in her mouth to soak. She asked me to take something from her and I put my hand out and found out that they do melt in your hands.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

Saturday we went over the cousins for
some egg painting. Margo and the kids were there along with Doe and Nana.

Something must have happened over the weekend because Laura, James and Daddy ended up tossing our cookies. We had to cancel going to Aunt Jo's house for Easter Sunday. We had also planned on going to Timmy's house and had to cancel.

Kara also got sick and the whole easter sunday thing had to cancel. Aunt Jo ended up driving here and delivered the food here and to Kara's.

when the kdis woke up there was still eggs to find around the house and outside. When they went to sleep no one was sick yet so we had placed eggs outside. Laura, Catherine and Jack ended up going outside to do an egg hunt but Jimmy said that he would stay inside and watch. there is a picture of him doing just that. All he wanted from me is three of the golden colored eggs. There were still plenty of eggs hid inside the house.

Laura and Catherine each got a Hannah Montana wig, Jimmy got a new set of golf clubs to start. They all made out pretty good. Last night they wouldnt go to sleep so we had to call the Easter Bunny. He happened to be over Uncle Timmy's house. When the Easter Bunny talked to Catherine i have never seen her run so fast after she talked to him. They left carrots and milk out.

Spring Training continues

So Jimmy informed me that there was at least SOME snow that melted so we could move spring training to the front lawn. We had been just throwing on the street. He was very excited when a portion of the front snow receded and exposed some green. He made me throw to the side so he could dive into a half portion of snow/grass. Laura and Catherine were outside for a brief period of time but their spring training only lasted till they got too cold.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First time manager

Tonight I started my first meeting as coach of Jimmy's baseball team. I have all the equipment and recieved the roster. Laura is going to start T-Ball too. I'm kind of nervous about it but it'll go good i'm sure. I'm trying to work a trade so that Zach and Clayton can get on the team too. Jimmy beat me straight up in air hockey again tonight. The first game was Laura and I against Jimmy, Catherine and Jack. Each one of them took turns crying about one thing or another but cooled it off after a while. Jimmy read a whole book to me at bedtime. It was something about a dog wanting to be a wolf(The dog who cried wolf) and he knew almost all of the words. I cant believe how far he has come this year in school. I'm scheduled for volunteering again next week. The same day is their first day of swimming lessons and that night the two girls are going to Annie with us in the city. It'll be a busy day and night.
Catherine keeps talking about her birthday coming up next month. She says I need to talk to you bout my birfday, then i ask her when her birthday is and she says April furfteenth.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ridem Cowboy

Jack has quite a personality. He found Jimmy's old hat and wouldnt take it off. He loves that dog too. Keeps talking all the time, who knows what he's saying though.

Bruins Game

On Thursday Jimmy and I went to the Bruins game with Timmy and Parker. Even though they lost we had a great time. Alot of junk food was eaten by both of us. Thankfully, there was no throwing up on the train. We ended up taking the train to and from the Garden. It is so much easier.
Jimmy made a sign for the game and kept holding it up. He made me write "Go bruins, you rock" and had his name on it.
Went to a Japanese restaurant on Saturday night for one of Lyn's cousins 30th Birthday. I NEVER thought I'd eat at a Japanese restaurant but, I loved it. I still didnt eat any sushi. I tried to, put it on my fork and even brought it close to my mouth but it wouldnt go through the uprights. We ended up going out to a bar with Uncle Eddie and some more of the cousins. Its a good thing for Designated Drivers. Over to Kara's for Corned Beef and Cabbage on sunday, now that was real good. I'm trying to stay under 200 lbs but this food stuff keeps getting in the way.
Laura loved her green wig and even wore it to school on St Patty's day. I have a matching one too. I ate so much at Kara's. Even after everyone had left the table I told them to hold on before taking my silverware because i was on overtime with the eating.

Monday, March 10, 2008

St. Patty's week

Another great week at the old home. Got home every night after work and Jimmy and Laura were ready for me waiting for Spring Training to begin. Spring training consisted of stretching in the living room and then off to the garage for fielding and hitting off the tee. When we do the stretching, All four of the kids are there joining us, including Jack. When we throw the ball around in the garage, sometimes the kids get carried away and are whipping that ball. Jimmy throws so fast now and Laura doesnt know how good she can throw. We are bound to break something and get in trouble with mommy. I have to stay 0n her good side too.
The hot water heater blew up on us this week also. went a couple of days running to nana and does house to shower. I was going to have the plumber come over and install a new one but the quoted price was higher than the GNP of some countries. Doe ended up putting it in for us. He informed me that I am too good to him. I try.
Sunday we went to a St Patty's show that Maura was running. Laura and Catherine were up dancing around and they both made new friends to dance with. Laura asks everyone to sleep over our house. Catherine was loving doing the Irish Step. We danced and bounced. It was so disheartening that I wasnt able to sing because I lost my voice. There were others who were rejoicing because of it but i'm hoping to get it back soon.
Jack fell last night and lyn got him right away with the ice on his eye. It looked like it would bulge but it wasnt all that bad this morning.
It was Grammy Frannies birthday Saturday. Laura and Catherine were so excited all week about making her a gift. Laura made her this thing (dont know what to call it) that had some wires coming out of a stirofoam base. It was cute. Catherine made her a book full of her drawings.
three months till the results are in

Sunday, March 02, 2008

2 Goals for Jim Jim

Went to Jim's hockey game tonight and the little buggah scored twice. He was so excited because Uncle Eddie came with me. Jimmy has got so much better in the past month. He was in front of the net, took the puck and spun around scoring the first goal. He also scored on his next shift on the ice.....then disaster struck (not really, but he is six years old). I was watching him skating towards the bench and I lost sight of him. He hit into the boards with a couple of other players. I saw the coach go over to him and he was crying real hard. I figured he somehow got hurt, but alas, he had broken his first hockey stick ever. He didnt just break it, he creamed it. He was really broken up about it

Last night Jimmy went to the Devils hockey game with his bud Zachary, Clayton and others for Zach's birthday. Earlier today he started private baseball lessons. Needless to say he had a busy couple of days so he had an excuse for crying over the broken stick. He kept telling me about how much he liked that stick.

Lyn and I went away to the mountains for the weekend. It is our anniversary today. We stayed at this real nice inn. I'm not used to such classy places. They made up our bed twice a day. After we got back from dinner the towels were refreshed, the bed remade and everything else was freshened up. It was twice a day maid service. They kept bringing out servings of food on a fresh dish with a splash of garden vegetables or onion string or whatever it was with a dash of liquid something or other. It was a classy place. When i couldnt get the food on a fork I used my fingers. Lyn was mortified several times.

We made friends of course. Both Friday and Saturday night we had quite a bit to drink. Lyn drank a whole bottle of wine and I had a pool of lager. We handled it okay though. On Saturday morning we were seated next to two couples in their 70's. The two guys had these sweaters on that were bright green, florescent colors. I asked them if they lost a bet. I found out that both guys were brothers and their mother knitted the sweaters for them 60 years ago. They had always kept the sweaters and wore them on rare occasions. I thought it was awesome. That night we went over and talked to the ladies and had some good laughs.

When we got home Jack was just as Lyn had predicted. When Lyn went skiing a couple of weeks ago Jack was mad at her when she got home and he wouldnt talk to her. Same thing happened today. He stuck with me and wouldnt talk to her or go near her...the little shit.......Catherine and Laura were so happy to see us though. I think Catherine was a little tired and sick though. Laura had made us a cake with Auntie Jo for our anniversary. They had put homemade cards on the kitchen wall for us.