Its done. Whether it went well or not, I have no idea. The bar exam is all that everyone says it is, and then some more. The first day, I thought I was going to have a melt down. I'm usually not so excitable either. I think the first day was sort of horrible, the second day was a little more promising but that is no saying much. Regardless, its over. If I didnt pass I'll just go back in July and pass it then.
Jimmy has been very impatient and was especially glad to see me when I got home. He couldnt wait to tell me about the Bruins and how well they've been doing. There is so much for the two of us to catch up on. Our spring training officially starts on Tuesday, though the Bruins are doing well lately so that might lengthen the frozen season. He made such a big deal about the groundhog and whether he would see his shadow. He asked me one night if I would tell him when I found out because he had to plan his baseball schedule. By the way, the groundhog did see his shadow for another six weeks of winter. that was about ten days ago and by the looks of things he wansnt screwing around.
Last Sunday I was unable to go to Jimmy's hockey game. I couldnt believe the phone call I got. HE SCORED AGAIN. It was the last game of the year, so he scored in the first game and the last game. I wanted to know all about it. He explained the whole thing about how he got a break away and shot the puch right between the goalies pads. Doe told me he grabbed the stick in his right had and started yelling. Jake was in the stands and the two of them began yelling at each other about the goal. I guess it was quite the thing. Jimmy told me that he almost cried when he scored and then he told me that the goalie did cry. I dont know what this is all about but it was cute.
When I got home tonight Cathering had a new Hannah Montana DVD and wanted me to watch it with her. That will have to wait till the morning.
I definitely missed the little buggahs the last couple of days. I'm not used to being away from them so long. Lyn said Jack was walking around the house today yelling "Dadda, Dadda" looking for me. I suppose its good to be missed sometimes.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Three days and counting
Saddled with a case of insomnia and nerves of quaker oats I carry on.
James this week attended a baseball clinic along with Jake and his buddy Conner. All appeared to go well as the coaches apparently tired the hell out of them. I got to attend about a half hour of one day. The kid can swing a bat perty good. We are going to work on the knee dropping to the ground though. Last year I would show him how Dustin Pedroia would drop one knee to the ground sometimes when he swang and how not to do that. He, of course, still remembers that. I think the day i told him that Pedroia hit a home run after that swinging from the ass move so I didnt think it would stick but it did. He has made a list of things he wants to do when the bar exam is over. He keeps asking me about all the possibilities of what might happen..if i pass, if i fail.......I promised him a Bruins game in March and he isnt forgetting it either. Lyn tells me he brings it up all the time. I''m informed that he is suspended from using X-Box for two weeks. I didnt get the story of what he did but I bet its a doozy...two weeks....oooo
Laura FINALLY did a cartwheel on her own. When I got home last night she was doing it over and over again. Of course Catherine had to do her improvised cartwheel too....Lyn has been trying to show her how to do the cartwheel for a long long time now with limited success. I'd see her trying to help Laura do it over and over again. When Laura finally did one she told mommy that Emily was the one that taught her how to do it, not her. ooooo that went over well.
Catherine hasnt kept up with her potty training. She's regressed actually. She's still young...but boy she's potent. She's such a daddy's girl. I think she knows how to play me. She's always saddling up to me and she always gets what she wants. Go figure.
Jack was riding Frankie like a horsie last night. He has the funniest laugh when he gets going. Especially when he's crying and someone does something to make him laugh, you get a little chuckle and then he remembers he was crying and starts again.
Someone put a great bumper sticker on Marions car the other day. Because its a clean blog I wont mention what it said but it was racy in nature. Of course Doe told her not to throw it away because he knew someone who would want it...of course me. I had to take a cell picture of it and send it to niece Maura, the only one that appreciates my oddities.
Three damn days left and I feel like I dont know diddly. There are two different Bar Review courses that are offered and each has a different style of questions they give. I have them both. I get so distressed when I answer questions from one of them. Today I was answering the PMBR questions and was gettting too many wrong. It was depressing. I was seriously figuring I just wasnt going to pass because of it. I really feel like I just dont have all the info in my bean to answer all the questions......was that a vent?
James this week attended a baseball clinic along with Jake and his buddy Conner. All appeared to go well as the coaches apparently tired the hell out of them. I got to attend about a half hour of one day. The kid can swing a bat perty good. We are going to work on the knee dropping to the ground though. Last year I would show him how Dustin Pedroia would drop one knee to the ground sometimes when he swang and how not to do that. He, of course, still remembers that. I think the day i told him that Pedroia hit a home run after that swinging from the ass move so I didnt think it would stick but it did. He has made a list of things he wants to do when the bar exam is over. He keeps asking me about all the possibilities of what might happen..if i pass, if i fail.......I promised him a Bruins game in March and he isnt forgetting it either. Lyn tells me he brings it up all the time. I''m informed that he is suspended from using X-Box for two weeks. I didnt get the story of what he did but I bet its a doozy...two weeks....oooo
Laura FINALLY did a cartwheel on her own. When I got home last night she was doing it over and over again. Of course Catherine had to do her improvised cartwheel too....Lyn has been trying to show her how to do the cartwheel for a long long time now with limited success. I'd see her trying to help Laura do it over and over again. When Laura finally did one she told mommy that Emily was the one that taught her how to do it, not her. ooooo that went over well.
Catherine hasnt kept up with her potty training. She's regressed actually. She's still young...but boy she's potent. She's such a daddy's girl. I think she knows how to play me. She's always saddling up to me and she always gets what she wants. Go figure.
Jack was riding Frankie like a horsie last night. He has the funniest laugh when he gets going. Especially when he's crying and someone does something to make him laugh, you get a little chuckle and then he remembers he was crying and starts again.
Someone put a great bumper sticker on Marions car the other day. Because its a clean blog I wont mention what it said but it was racy in nature. Of course Doe told her not to throw it away because he knew someone who would want it...of course me. I had to take a cell picture of it and send it to niece Maura, the only one that appreciates my oddities.
Three damn days left and I feel like I dont know diddly. There are two different Bar Review courses that are offered and each has a different style of questions they give. I have them both. I get so distressed when I answer questions from one of them. Today I was answering the PMBR questions and was gettting too many wrong. It was depressing. I was seriously figuring I just wasnt going to pass because of it. I really feel like I just dont have all the info in my bean to answer all the questions......was that a vent?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Uncle Eddies Birthday
Eddie got the kids this mechanical horse that is awfully spooky. Its name is Butterscotch. The head moves, the tail moves and it nays. Its really freaky. I think i'm going to have nightmares.
It took Catherine a little bit to get used to it. I mean it, its freaky. I had to bring it downstairs for the night. Frankie was smelling its behind and the tail moved.
This is Jacks funny face
Laura had a ring of cake around her mouth.
It was Uncle Eddies birthday party at the old Ranch. I came home to find him on the couch reading to the kids. He looked so natural at it. The cousins were there as well as the Honnors clan and Nana and Doe.
It took Catherine a little bit to get used to it. I mean it, its freaky. I had to bring it downstairs for the night. Frankie was smelling its behind and the tail moved.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine Gifts
I got the word last night while I was studying, that Laura has been telling everyone that her daddy was going to give her a heart shaped box of chocolates and a card under her pillow to wake up to on Valentines day morning. So off to CVS at 11pm for four boxes of heart shaped chocolates and cards aplenty.
Fast forward to 3AM when we were awakened by her throwing up. She did her business and didnt notice anything under her pillow. She was talking and talking talking about everything. I slept on the couch with her all night.....well slept is putting a spin on it. She was fine after getting sick.
This morning all the kids woke up with Laura and Catherine getting singing Valentines cards and Jimmy getting a 3D card. They got webkinz dolls too. They were so excited about the dolls until the new one, its a racoon, looked a little too realistic to Frankie so he tore its head off. Stuffing all over the place.
The girls kept playing the Cheetah girls cards. It felt like a hangover listening to it. Laura wasnt allowed to eat any of her chocolate which she took in stride. Jimmy doesnt eat chocolate so he gave his to Laura. Catherine eats anything. Jack got a book that he doesnt let go of. Its about Biddy Bird or something like that.
This morning we watched "Annie" for the 879th time. Yes, the sun will come out tomorrow, but not in this hole that I've locked myself up in.
12 days, 11 hours left
Fast forward to 3AM when we were awakened by her throwing up. She did her business and didnt notice anything under her pillow. She was talking and talking talking about everything. I slept on the couch with her all night.....well slept is putting a spin on it. She was fine after getting sick.
This morning all the kids woke up with Laura and Catherine getting singing Valentines cards and Jimmy getting a 3D card. They got webkinz dolls too. They were so excited about the dolls until the new one, its a racoon, looked a little too realistic to Frankie so he tore its head off. Stuffing all over the place.
The girls kept playing the Cheetah girls cards. It felt like a hangover listening to it. Laura wasnt allowed to eat any of her chocolate which she took in stride. Jimmy doesnt eat chocolate so he gave his to Laura. Catherine eats anything. Jack got a book that he doesnt let go of. Its about Biddy Bird or something like that.
This morning we watched "Annie" for the 879th time. Yes, the sun will come out tomorrow, but not in this hole that I've locked myself up in.
12 days, 11 hours left
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Nerves are shot, Itsy Bitsy Baby
My nerves are getting shot. There is so little time left so I decided to take a breather because i've been going at it for a couple of hours straight. My mind hasnt been used this much before so I think its evaporating brain cells.
I talked to Uncle Eddie this morning. He told me that he is so stressed out about the football season ending that he went to ultimate fighting Friday night. A whole different type of crowd he says. Laura had told me that I needed to talk to him because she made him a present for his birthday so she called and spoke to his brother Bobby. She's like a grown up now. She asks politely to please speak to Uncle Eddie and then she and Eddie get into a conversation about god knows what.
Anyhow, this morning I woke up earlier than I thought it was. Lying in bed little Jack, all 16 months of him, comes jumping into the bedroom doing this jumping jack thing. He was singing, pointing his arms to the sky throwing them to the side and then clapping. I couldnt believe he was doing the whole itsy bitsy spider by himself. When the rain comes down he throws his arms out, out comes the sun he reaches above like the great Barry Manilow and then descends downward until he completes with a great round of applause for himself. It was awesome!!!
A little while later I heard Lyn ask the kids what they wanted for breakfast. For some reason they all, at the same time, took that to mean that we were going out to eat. So we loaded them all up in the hill billy minivan, called and picked up Grammy Franny and went out to eat. Jack started to cry when we got into the restaurant but nothing that bad. Lyn told me that a couple sitting next to us were bothered....patooie on them......Dear Abbie would probably say that I dont have the proper the etiquette by bringing the kids to such a plack but...i repeat my patooie...
He did settle down awfully quick. Grammy Franny looked very good today. When we were walking into the place some guy came up to Grammy and congratulated her on her winnging $800 in bingo the other night....oooooooooooo, that is the number one cardinal sin of the bingo trade. Always lie about your winnings (and losing). She of course said she had no idea what he was talking about...hahaha.
After breakfast we went to Aunties Old Ladies home for a quick visit. The kids were fairly well behaved there and seemed to have a good time with Auntie. She seems to be doing very well these days and is adjusting to the assisted living. She gave each of the kids a gold dollar coin which they thought was fake. Little buggahs!
I must go back to studying now......did a five hour cram session which will be ten hours by the time I finish. Now I feel better though.
I talked to Uncle Eddie this morning. He told me that he is so stressed out about the football season ending that he went to ultimate fighting Friday night. A whole different type of crowd he says. Laura had told me that I needed to talk to him because she made him a present for his birthday so she called and spoke to his brother Bobby. She's like a grown up now. She asks politely to please speak to Uncle Eddie and then she and Eddie get into a conversation about god knows what.
Anyhow, this morning I woke up earlier than I thought it was. Lying in bed little Jack, all 16 months of him, comes jumping into the bedroom doing this jumping jack thing. He was singing, pointing his arms to the sky throwing them to the side and then clapping. I couldnt believe he was doing the whole itsy bitsy spider by himself. When the rain comes down he throws his arms out, out comes the sun he reaches above like the great Barry Manilow and then descends downward until he completes with a great round of applause for himself. It was awesome!!!
A little while later I heard Lyn ask the kids what they wanted for breakfast. For some reason they all, at the same time, took that to mean that we were going out to eat. So we loaded them all up in the hill billy minivan, called and picked up Grammy Franny and went out to eat. Jack started to cry when we got into the restaurant but nothing that bad. Lyn told me that a couple sitting next to us were bothered....patooie on them......Dear Abbie would probably say that I dont have the proper the etiquette by bringing the kids to such a plack but...i repeat my patooie...
He did settle down awfully quick. Grammy Franny looked very good today. When we were walking into the place some guy came up to Grammy and congratulated her on her winnging $800 in bingo the other night....oooooooooooo, that is the number one cardinal sin of the bingo trade. Always lie about your winnings (and losing). She of course said she had no idea what he was talking about...hahaha.
After breakfast we went to Aunties Old Ladies home for a quick visit. The kids were fairly well behaved there and seemed to have a good time with Auntie. She seems to be doing very well these days and is adjusting to the assisted living. She gave each of the kids a gold dollar coin which they thought was fake. Little buggahs!
I must go back to studying now......did a five hour cram session which will be ten hours by the time I finish. Now I feel better though.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Sick Sick Sick
eeek. Not the time to get sick. I guess everyone else in the house had their turn at getting a little under the weather and now it was my turn. I did a couple of hours of studying earlier and had to quit. Now i'm back at you can see. Yesterday, I did 11 hours of studying straight. Never done that before.
When I got home last night Jimmy was awake and came and greeted me when I got in. Everyone else was asleep. He just came and gave me a big hug and we talked for a long time. Everytime it was time for him to go to sleep he would tell me it was time to talk. I always find it cool to have convo's individually with the little bums. Jimmy wanted to update me on what day spring training starts and we talked about Currr Shillings shoulder. I cant wait until our Spring training starts so we can gear up for our opening day.
I hung out with the three youngest today. Laura was so excited because Threeeesa came over and picked up a present Laura had made her for her birthday. It was a bunch of little pieces of wood glued onto a block of wood and was painted with different colors. Catherine made a book full of drawings for her too.
Jack is still in the stage where he yells everytime someone comes into the house that he isnt so sure about. He has a death grip on me. He loves Frankie the dog. The other kids are okay with him but I think that Frankie will be Jack's dog.
It was kinda cool to just hang out on the couch with the three of them. Jack kept wanting to do the itsy bitsy spider and the two others would join in with the ABC's.
Tracy and Frank had a new baby boy last night named James Michael. I called her today in her hospital room. I didnt go over because I didnt want to get anyone sick. Thats all we need. She's a very proud mother of her boy Frankie. He is a cutie and is always smiling. Frank is also a great daddy.
Jimmy told Lyn last week that he doesnt want to play baseball anymore. Uncle Eddie told him that he had a great arm for football and is really fast. I think it was the whole Patriots and cousin Timmy thing. I told Lyn not to worry, one conversation and he was already swinging the bat pretending to be Whoo-go Lugo again.
18 days and 15 hours left........................
The darn camera is out of batteries so the hard drive on the computer is taking a breather.
When I got home last night Jimmy was awake and came and greeted me when I got in. Everyone else was asleep. He just came and gave me a big hug and we talked for a long time. Everytime it was time for him to go to sleep he would tell me it was time to talk. I always find it cool to have convo's individually with the little bums. Jimmy wanted to update me on what day spring training starts and we talked about Currr Shillings shoulder. I cant wait until our Spring training starts so we can gear up for our opening day.
I hung out with the three youngest today. Laura was so excited because Threeeesa came over and picked up a present Laura had made her for her birthday. It was a bunch of little pieces of wood glued onto a block of wood and was painted with different colors. Catherine made a book full of drawings for her too.
Jack is still in the stage where he yells everytime someone comes into the house that he isnt so sure about. He has a death grip on me. He loves Frankie the dog. The other kids are okay with him but I think that Frankie will be Jack's dog.
It was kinda cool to just hang out on the couch with the three of them. Jack kept wanting to do the itsy bitsy spider and the two others would join in with the ABC's.
Tracy and Frank had a new baby boy last night named James Michael. I called her today in her hospital room. I didnt go over because I didnt want to get anyone sick. Thats all we need. She's a very proud mother of her boy Frankie. He is a cutie and is always smiling. Frank is also a great daddy.
Jimmy told Lyn last week that he doesnt want to play baseball anymore. Uncle Eddie told him that he had a great arm for football and is really fast. I think it was the whole Patriots and cousin Timmy thing. I told Lyn not to worry, one conversation and he was already swinging the bat pretending to be Whoo-go Lugo again.
18 days and 15 hours left........................
The darn camera is out of batteries so the hard drive on the computer is taking a breather.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
23 days, 19 hours and 4 minutes left. I'm looking at the sample questions ( and wrong answers) and wondering what the hell am i doing????????
Went to Wal-Mart with the three oldest this morning. There was a big sale on baseball equiptment. Laura had to buy a pink baseball bat for T-ball, Catherine needed a pink soccer ball and Jimmy being Jimmy needed to upgrade everything. They also got a t-ball plate with a ball on a string.
After the big shopping trip we landed at Dunkin donuts for some healthy donuts and lemonade. Catherine saw a bathroom that she hadnt been in so she had to go potty to mark her territory. I was headed to check on her and Laura in the ladies room and there was a lady sitting nearby who apparently hadnt seen the two of them enter. Of course I open the ladies room door and the nosebag got all excited. I love doing that to people.
Aunt Jo came over as usual yesterday. When I got home last night Lyn told me that she had been talking to Aunt Jo and they thought it was a good idea that I join a country club to have something on my own, playing golf or something.
Did I say there was only 23 Days left !!!!!!
Went to Wal-Mart with the three oldest this morning. There was a big sale on baseball equiptment. Laura had to buy a pink baseball bat for T-ball, Catherine needed a pink soccer ball and Jimmy being Jimmy needed to upgrade everything. They also got a t-ball plate with a ball on a string.
After the big shopping trip we landed at Dunkin donuts for some healthy donuts and lemonade. Catherine saw a bathroom that she hadnt been in so she had to go potty to mark her territory. I was headed to check on her and Laura in the ladies room and there was a lady sitting nearby who apparently hadnt seen the two of them enter. Of course I open the ladies room door and the nosebag got all excited. I love doing that to people.
Aunt Jo came over as usual yesterday. When I got home last night Lyn told me that she had been talking to Aunt Jo and they thought it was a good idea that I join a country club to have something on my own, playing golf or something.
Did I say there was only 23 Days left !!!!!!
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