Monday, October 08, 2007

Weekend Wedding

Off to a water park hotel for a weekend wedding of.....some of Lyn's cousins. She only has a couple (thousand) of them. The two youngest stayed with Aunt Jo at our house and we took Jimmy and Laura to the hotel with us. Big Meghan babysat them. From the time we got to the hotel to the time Meggie had to leave, Jimmy must have ate so much junk food its no wonder he puked. We brought the blow up mattress and the kids ended up sleeping on Nana's floor in her room. By the time midnight hit we staggered (an exhausted stagger, not drunken) back to the room and passed out. I'm gonna have to get some hair plugs and color so that i at least look younger when i act like an old fart.
One good thing was seeing Strawberry Shortcake. Looking beautiful as ever she is now a college freshman. You better be behaving down there in Florida !!!
Anyway, off to aunt Jo's for a birthday cake for Jack on Sunday. JoJo and Aaron had to leave to catch a flight home to Ohio at 6pm but it was good seeing them too. I missed my little Catherine and Jack and was glad to see them. Jack is looking more and more like Jimmy every day. Especially his smiling and shaking his head saying noooooo....
Reservations are all set for Laura's birthday in New York City. I'm bringing her to the American girl doll restaurant. It is just going to be the two of us and that should be a blast. The things that she says. She told her teacher that I am going to volunteer on her birthday in school and also that I sing and dance and dress like a clown. I'm sure they cant wait. She told the aunts that me and Lyn stand up on the couch and kiss all the time. She is a nut. I am really looking forward to our trip though. I still havent figured out if we are driving, taking the train or flying.
Laura is also signed up to play T-Ball in the Spring. There doesnt appear to be much of an interest there on her part but Big Meghan plays softball so I think this will change. She now does dance, gymnastics and Irish Step dancing, which she loves!! Catherine does gymnastics and Wednesday I get to bring her to the mommy and me class (where I play the role of mommy). I have to add pictures because they grow so fast.


Anonymous said...

awwww..mommy and daddy kiss all the time, those are the memories you always want your children to keep forever!

Anonymous said...

you sound like you have fun