Monday, October 22, 2007


The day finally came for the trip to NYC with Laura. We woke up a little earlier than usual and off we were to South Station. The trip by train wasnt really that bad. The train got to NYC at about 12:30pm. I wanted to walk around a little bit but Laura's mind was made up that she wanted to go to the Doll store. The place was huge. There was at least four floors of stores, hair salon (yes, we gave Nikki a hair cut) and Photo studio (check). We got to see an awesome show at the theatre they had inside. Laura was so excited the whole day. Uncle Eddie had given Laura a digital camera for her birthday so she was going up to strange people and taking their pictures. We dropped Nikki off at the hair salon and they had a 45 minute wait for an appointment. After carefully chosing the hair style I got her to agree with me to go to Rockefeller center for lunch. We were just looking for a hot dog or something quick from a cart vendor. We walked into the area where people were ice skating and saw that there was a pretty good size line to get into the Rockefeller cafe. Somehow we managed to get a table outside rinkside. It was awesome.
Back to the salon Laura got to watch Nikea style Nikki's hair. They do a good job pampering the little girls. After this we went into the theater for a live show with teenage American girls.We had to give a little fib and tell the ladies that Laura was turning 6 instead of 5. Laura was in on the conspiracy with me. For some reason you have to be six to get in and when the lady asked Laura how old she was she said 5 (luckily). She said she cant come in to see the show and thankfully Laura had a birthday sticker on her shirt and I told the lady she turned 6 tomorrow. That, would have been disastrous. tragedy avoided.T
The dinner at the Cafe was great. Laura had spaghetti and meatballs. They have side seats for the doll, not only that they have doll holders next to the toilet (picture taken). I'm sure I looked a little strange going into the bathroom with a camera but how many places have holders that allow you to suspend your doll on the wall.
By far one of the highlights of Laura's day was the taxi cab rides. After we left the cafe we just couldnt find a taxi. There I was in front of the Rockefeller center and Laura starts toodling with her hand yelling at taxi's to stop. They were all full. where do all these people come from? I'm also going to bring some Right Guard next trip to NYC because those cabbies need it.
On the train ride home, the hyper kid just crashed all of a sudden. Doe picked us up a little after midnight to complete a whirlwind day.


Anonymous said...

What a great Day you are!!

Anonymous said...

i meant - what a great Dad you are and it sounds like you had such a special day!! :)

sann said...

James...I just love you and your sweet babies so much!!
Cool pics!