Monday, October 29, 2007

We are the Champions !!!

It was a gametime decision but I chose to wake Jimmy up for the 9th. Even though it was around midnight, the boiler blew out and I was dogged tired and cold I woke the little buggah up. He told me before he went to bed to wake him up if the red sox are winning in the ninth. Usually that is followed by a 'yeah sure' type of answer. Here, he truly is an ardent fan and loves his Red Sox. He was sooooooo excited when they won. It took him a good five to ten minutes to realize what was going on after he woke up. First, he was mad at me because he said I didnt wake him up for the Red Sox, then I had to explain to him that this was live. He shook out of it. Lyn was all hyped up with him. She wondered why I wasnt. 2004 took all the pressure off. We called Aunt Jo who was wide awake...i think...but she spoke with Jimmy. Or rather Jimmy explained to her the situation going on so that she could understand. He's so funny about his baseball. We were playing baseball in the yard yesterday and he started with that whole hand is part of the bat thing. He gets a rule and runs with it.
Catherine came into the bed this morning and just kept getting into my face saying 'hi daddy, hi daddy, hi daddy.' She requests that i trip for her every morning on the way to my car. I have to trip four or five times. Its a funny look back from the car seeing little hands waving to me as I leave. Pretty soon Jack will be joining them. He sang Sweet Caroline with me this morning. he says bop bop bop and so good so good. We'll be like the Brady Bunch.

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