Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Red Sox Sunday

Words cannot express how much fun I had with Jimmy on Sunday at the Red Sox game. He was just so damn cute. Although this is the third time we've been to Fenway this year, this was the first time it was just the two of us. We had great seats behind the Twins dugout. All around us were amazed at how much a six year old knew about every single member of the home team, especially about how Manny doesnt hustle (wonder how he heard that one).

We drove to Lechmere and took the green line in, talked to a couple of bums on the train and got crammed on the same trolley on the ride home. I had a death grip on his hand for most of the game when we werent in our seats. The high point of the day was seeing Old Uncle Buck in a yellow Alcohol Compliance Supervisor shirt. I hadnt seen him in about five years and if memory serves me right he was never complying with any alcohol laws at the time. We practiced singing the seventh innings "take me out to the ballgame" song as well as the eighth inning "sweet caroline". He has to be the only six year old who knows every word of a Neil Diamond song. When it comes to 'touching me, TOUCHING YOU', we scream it out at each other.

Two younger chickies sat next to us during the game and were flirting with him. Of course I have to frown upon such actions...but at one point I was holding him and he kept giving me a rasberry on my neck. I finally told him not to do that. He was looking at the gal to my right and said 'I just wanted to kiss you'. I looked at chickie on the right and she said "How do you know I am the kissing bandit?" She thought he was talking to her. Maybe he was.
All I know is that I wish I had a six year old to hang with when I was making my rounds as a single man all those years back.

The red sox didnt win but Varitek hit a home runner and that made Jimmy happy. As the game was ending and we were waiting to leave this lady came up to me and told me that she was watching us the whole game and what a great time she had at the game just watching the two of us. Yeah, that's pretty cool.

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