Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween night 2007 style

The little buggahs were very cute and well behaved. We trick or treated with Mike, Tracy, Clayton and William. Jack stayed home with Nana and Doe because he got a little cranky. We walked over 2 miles and banged at tons of doors. Jimmy kept walking inside peoples houses when he got to the door. I dressed as a sumo wrestler, Jack was Mickey Mouse, Jimmy was Big Papi (after we bought him a costume), Laura was an angel and Catherine was Minnie Mouse.

Catherine was so cute. This was really her first halloween going door to door so she just thought this was great. They got so much candy and I just know I"m gonna eat most of it.

After we got home Steve and Margo came over with Ada and Max. Didnt get any pictures of them this time though. I think i have some from Kara's party.

The kids crashed after fighting it for a while. Catherine was so tired she was yelling at me telling me it was no fair for no particular reason. I still dont know whats not fair but she was smiling and kissing me minutes later. She is so beautiful but why do I think that she's gonna be the one that makes me lose all my hair.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are so sweet!

Anonymous said...

so THAT's what James looks like with hair!