Sunday, October 08, 2017

Monkey trunks

     Better them than me.  Up into the sky they went to skip around the ropes and connectors from pole to pole and dangle dangerously up in the air.  It was touch going at first for Jackie but Emily came through in the end to help him navigate the ropes.  She too, was very afraid of heights.  I think that helped out a little with bring Jackie around.  Once he got going he was fine and was daring as ever...Well, maybe not so much but he did it just the same.  They ended with a trip down the zipline.  Laura was a beast, of course, going to the top row and pushing the limits.  There is no fear in that girl.

     Erin loved it too...She got around the ropes with no problem either.  Those rings are tougher than they look.
   Here Jackie is getting more daring as the day went on.

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