Thursday, October 12, 2017

11th Birthday for Jackie

     He was so cute leading up to today as they all are when they come to their big day.  The world must stop and all must automatically know about it.  Jack woke up and got to enjoy his morning gifts before school.  The morning gifts usuallly amount to gifts bought at Target at the  dollar aisle with an obnoxious card that sings.
For his birthday nights he got two cakes.  The first one had to be enjoyed by the cousins and we had to buy another one so Catherine could enjoy it too...she was at gymnastics.
     Jackie had a great birthday month and he was his usual self, laughing and enjoying life.  He had gotten the trip to Baltimore for his birthday earlier this month and he was happy about that.  There is a small party on the way this weekend where he will receive his real gifts.  He already got his gift from Aunt office chair....yes, you read it right, he wanted an office chair.

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