Saturday, October 21, 2017

Skool 2017

Here we are in the year 2017 and the kids have grown up so much.  Jimmy is now 16 years old and is driving on his permit.  He's a good driver, thankfully.  He is now a junior in high school and once again he posed with his blue baseball shirt.  I think he keeps that shirt around just in case they say he has to take a school picture. 
Laura is now a Freshman.  She went so smoothly into high school, probably because she already knew all the girls on the swim team.  She is tearing up the swim meets and is really impressive.
My little KittyKat is now 12 years old.  She is still the sweetest girl ever.  She's now in the 7th grade.  She loves gymnastics still and is doing very well in school. 
and then there's Jack.  Jack is newly 11 years old and in Fifth grade.  He's playing soccer every weekend and doing very well at it.  He seems to have adapted to Middle School and he tells me that the teachers havent told him he interrupts them at all so that's a win.  He's a very sweet kid and is a blast to be around.  He loves to get all dressed up in his business clothes....I especially like this shirt...good choice Jackie!!

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