Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday Catherine

      Happy Birthday to my sweet little angel Catherine.  She turned eight years old today and had a great day.  From the moment she woke up this morning until her almost ten o'clock bed time, she had a constant smile on her face.  She must have been sang to about a hundred times.  She is such a sweet appreciative so sweet.
      Umple Eddie, Auntie Paula and umple bobby came and joined us too.  Auntie paula went on a walk with the girls and the dogs too.  The kids love their aunty and umples very much.Nana, Doe and Auntie Joe were also with us for the celebration. 
     Catherine had an extra long pause to make her wish.  I was going to ask her what she was wishing for but thats a personal matter so i didnt dare ask. 
     Catherine is one of those people that actually read the sweet
     And of course there is some hello kitty and purple outfits
     Catherine had her annual trip out with uncle patrick on her birthday.  They went to the burlinton mall to the build a bear workshop.  This bear sings happy birthday to her in a parody and she absolutely loves it.  She wants to bring her everywhere.  I say her because she has named her Catherine jr. 

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