Friday, April 12, 2013

All about Jackie

It was all about Jackie day today at kindergarten.  Each kid gets a chance to be the star of the week and to explain to the class all about themselves.  Jackie got in the front of the class and explained to the other students all about him.  Its a pretty neat idea and makes the kiddos feel special.  Catherine had asked her teacher if she could come down to the classroom and watch as Jack did his presentation.  He did such a good job.  As I watched him work the room i couldnt help but think back to his first day of pre-school when he stood frozen at the back of the room and wouldnt leave our side.  He is turning into a very confident little buggah
During his presentation the teacher asked if anyone had any questions.  Alot of the kids were asking specifics about different pictures.  I raised my hand and asked him about one of the pictures where he was sitting on the train, i asked him what the words on the train were right behind where he was sitting....he got that grin on his face and said "keep off" and chuckled. 

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