Saturday, April 20, 2013

Catherine's First communion

                                              She was so darn cute!!!  My precious little angel was waiting so long to recieve her first communion and it almost didnt happen.  Here, she is standing in front of the First Communion tree.  Its in the side yard of Joanne's house and we took it over when Jimmy had his first communion and its continued until now with Catherine.
She is so adorable

Goofy Gals

She didnt only look frightened....she was petrified
     She was petrified.  All through the rehearsal and the days leading up to the event she kept saying she was nervous about eating the host and drinking the wine.  Catherine allows herself to get all uptight about these things and there really is nothing you can say to her to make it better......but she always ends up doing it and glad she did.
Another tradition on the first communion bench

     The time for eating the host (cookie) finally came and she was just a mess.  I walked up with her up to the pastor.  She just started crying and crying that she didnt want to do it.  Of course the pastor looked at me and said she doesnt have to do it today, we can always come back next week or the week after that....yeah, i dont think so.  The food was ready, desserts all set and there were people over the house.  soooo, we went back and sat in the pew and I had to think....and fast.  There were alot of people at that mass so we waited just a bit and I whispered over to Catherine and asked her if she'd go over to the other priest and do it for Daddy.  I gave her a hug and she wheepingly said Okay Daddy.  Like a pro she went up to the other priest with the pastor giving us dagger eyes.  so there goes her hands with the right one underneath and the left palm accepting it.  Right inside her mouth it went....welllllllll....she went back to the seat with the pastor's eyes following us the whole time.  Out of her mouth it came, a crowd of people still in line hopefully blocking the view to the altar.  She had taken a very tiny piece and had injested that much....she had made her first communion.  I ate the rest of it.  Whew....she returned to church the next week for her friend Catherine's first communion and went up with no drama at all.....Depending on a ruling from the vatican that may have been her actual first communioin.

Auntie Paula was very proud

Cat with Nana and Doe

Cat with Baby Erin

Amazing how difficult it is to get all four of them in a picture together

Our First Communion tree in front of Joanne's house
     Except for the non-eating of the host incident, she smiled the whole day.  She is so darn cute and adorable.
We love our Rings!!!

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