Thursday, April 18, 2013

A sleepover....OH BOY

Last year for Jimmy's 11th birthday we had a sleepover.  There was an attempted escape at around 3:15am but it was harmless really.  Ever since then, Jimmy has asked over and over about doing the same thing for his 12th birthday.  I guess it was a big hit.  10 boys, 12 years old.....OHHH BOYYY.  Well, we all survived it.  They played hockey, basketball, football, flashlight tag, manhunt, xbox.  We had some pizza, french fries and eventually pancakes in the morning.  I forgot that kids that age can stay up all night....and stay up all night they did.  A couple of them wanted to go to sleep and did finally go to sleep.  I remember the whole night...I "slept" on the couch just listening to the goofy boys. 
    One of the good things about Jimmy is that he has, for the most part, picked out really good friends.  They had some innocent fun running through the neighbors yards playing manhunt and flashlight tag.  At some point they all walked about a half mile to get ice cream.  At first I hesitated but then I realized that they are in the sixth grade and i have loosen the noose eventually.  I still drove ahead and believe me, i watched and listened for them.  I dont knonw if they knew I did that..they probably did, but didnt say anything.  On the way back they all climbed inside the minivan.  Reminded me of the old days in the hood. 
     Overall, it was a good night.  I just wish I didnt have to go to work the next morning....

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