Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Catherines' Softball season begins

The other three came to see the opening game for Catherine for the 2013 season.  Her first at-bat she turned on the ball and popped it into left field.  She played like an old pro.  When I got home from work today I was getting dinner ready and Jim took her out to the batting cage.  It must have worked because she went 4 for 4 and her defense was stellar....and of course with a great smile.

      She was on the pitchers mound for an inning and had to wear this head gear
      and then she caught.  She looks so cute behind the plate.

      Jack found his friend Cooper at the softball field.  They played the whole time at the second field, along with Jimmy and Laura.  Thankfully, I was able to relax and just watch my little angel play.  I must add that I love that name Cooper.  I have used that name several times when someone I dont like asks me my name..or if we are at a restaurant and they ask me for my first name...so immature arent I.......

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