Thursday, February 21, 2013

OMJ had a rough night

     Last night I was sitting on the couch, in the dark, looking out the front window at Ole Man Jenkins.  I just sat there and chuckled as Jack and the others pretended to be asleep and then again as everyone yelled at Jack to be quiet so they could sleep...then Jack comes out and tells me how he's afraid and on and on it goes.........But after all this, I still look out on the front yard and again chuckle at the seven foot snowman adorning our front yard.  He's a sight alright.
     This morning I was driving the kids off to Kara's house and noticed that it looked like he had a rough night.  One eye was missing, his nose discheveled, the carrot nose had slipped and the pipe had tipped over, though it was still hanging on.  Dont ask why the bucket is on his arm, we dont know but it served us well.  He's a funny looking snowthing but he keeps me in belly laughs.

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