Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Old Man Jenkins the Snowman

     Welllllll, we were sitting in the living room after dinner and the kids started talking about going night sledding out back.  Well, there was a game changer.  I asked them if they wanted to make the biggest snowman ever....After a resounding yes we all headed out into the snow...and light rain to make the giant snowman.  We took a large bucket and kept filling it with snow and plopping it down.  One over the other and then we filled the cracks. 
     Onward and upward it went, one layer on top of another.  The head fell off a couple of times but we just kept at it.
     Jimmy stayed inside watching a movie.  I think with the school vacation i think he enjoyed finally being alone so I didnt push it.
     So now they go back and forth about naming the snowman.  We have gone through Joanne the snowman, Midge, Roger and Ring the snowman.  It was time for Old Man Jenkins the snowman.  We were going to make a two headed snowman and call it Jenkins the snowman after Wendy and Dave but Jackie just wanted to have Old Man Jenkins the snowman. 
     Last year jackie and I were walking down the street and one of the neighbors, Dave, was out in the yard.  Jackie yelled out to me, hey there is Old Man Jenkins!!!  I'm pretty sure its a character from Spongebob Squarepants but thought it was hilarious.  I told Dave about it and he thought it was great too.  His wife Wendy is now Mrs Old Man Jenkins.

     Yes, its a tall snowman.  I think I damn near pulled something lifting the snow onto the top.

1 comment:

Dave Perry said...

I would just like to say that this, Jackie, is my proudest moment.