Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Collection Night and Father Son b-ball game

Tonight was Catherine's Collection night at school.  The kids are told they have to show off to everyone collections of things they have.  The parents come into the cramped hall andJ we go to different tables and kids tell you about their collections.  Catherine decided that we would package up all the stuffed animals that we had and that is what she would show off.  Jimmy was practicing baseball so the other two kids came with me and umple eddie.  I found out an interesting thing while I was there...the collection night was supposed to be for Laura's class too.....She just wasnt interested though.  Ava, Laura's fellow hippie friend was there and had some sort of collection too....Those two are so goofy together.  They are actually quite cute.  Catherine was loving it.  At first she was very excited...that subsided very quickly though as other things caught her eye.  She actually asked me if I could sit at her exhibit while she floated around.  Of course I did......
Last night Jimmy's basketball team had a father-son game.  Up and down the court we went.....It was a long, long game.  I was one of those obnoxious parents who was fouling all the kids and trash talking.  At one point I took Jack on our team.  He had been behaving so good all night.  When he came down court with me, I gave him the ball to shoot and sure enough he swished it!!  He went back to his seat right after with a great big smile.  While we were driving home he asked me if I could put that on the blog.....Here you go Jackie, you earned it!!!

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