Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Father Daughter Dance

Catherine and her Date Uncle Patrick
      The gals had a Father Daughter dance at school the other night.  Well, because there are two of them and only one of me, Uncle Patrick came as catherines date.  It was a great time as the gals looked stunningly beautiful.  They both had corsages and brought their dance shoes.

      I had told both girls before the dance that they cant make fun of uncle Patrick because he doesnt have the dance moves that Daddy has.  If you look at all the people around Laura and I they are in slow motion while she has me spinning around, doing flips....basically killing me slowly.  
      At one point we were all brought near midcourt and the DJ's came out and taught us this choreographed dance to Michael Jackson's thriller song.  We had to go back and forth and claw at our partner and shake it up.  I know there is a video out there somewhere and I'll for sure put it on the blog. 
     This was a fantastic time had by all.  The kids loved that Uncle Patrick came and had some fun with us.  They served us some pizza and hershies kisses for dessert.  Catherine kept stopping her dancing to go into the other room to get herself some chocolates.  I taught her well....!!

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