Monday, May 21, 2012

Random thoughts on a Day out with Jack

     In February I was presented with a sheet in which to pick my vacation weeks.  This seniority thing is great because I can throw a week or two out there just for the hell of it.  This week is one of those weeks.  So I sit here on some idle Monday at 10:20am and after I've put all the kids on the bus, drove Jack to school and taken a shower, I realize that I am home alone for the first time in about six months.  wow what a lovely white birch we have in the front yard.........its the view with my butt on the couch.
     I was driving Jack to school this morning and he asked me if Umple Eddie was coming over today.  He told me that he wanted to go get some hoP dogs with the ump today.  I told him that I shouldn't be eating any more hop dogs because i'll get fat.  He told me not to worry because i'm already fat.  Lovely child!!  He is loving his T-Ball team.  Yesterday he crushed a ball out to the outfield.  He winds up so far back and just slams the sucker.  He has a very impressive swing but i'm not biased at all.
     This morning I had a visit from all four of them in my bed at varying started with a number 6 on the alarm clock.....James informed me that he needed a dollar for lunch as usual.   Laura, hearing this, comes into the room and tells him that he should pack a snack and save me some money.  so cute.  Catherine follows in and tells me she needs money for lunch too....FIVE DOLLARS.  I made the mistake of being too generous last week and its going to cost me. 
     After they all had left, Laura came back in and plopped her pillow down right next to me.  She told me that she couldn't believe that she had woken up early and went in the back yard room couch with the dogs.  She had put a blanket on her and the dogs lay on her feet.  She was so surprised that she fell asleep that way.  Now she is thinking thats the magical way for her to fall asleep.  I walked them all down to the bus stop before riding Jack to school.
      When Jack got out of school today we ended up going to our old friend Black Gordon. Of course we made a couple of pit stops along the way too. 
  Our friend Bridey took this picture for us.  Jack is kind of shy towards her so i'm thinking she's another girlfriend of his.
  At some point in our lives we learn that french fries dont go with pancakes.  Dont you hate the people that ultimately tell you that. 
  Jackie Loves this guy Eddie.  Eddie rides around in his skateboard and is just so very fun.  Best of all he digs Jack.  Jack dont care who he is talking to when we come in, he just runs right up to him.
  I"m going to have to turn him in on this one.  He wanted to go up higher on the train today but we kept him at this level.  He's very comfortable around this train because we've been going to it for so long.  There is just something about this train that warms the heart.  I am absolutely enjoying enjoying every second we get to spend on it.  I absolutely know that one day they wont want to come and see some dumb old train that just sits there.  It has done us well for about 8, 9 years now.  Many times we just sit and look at it.  Other times the kids just climb up all around it.  Jimmy isnt interested at all unfortunately but the others still like coming here and climbing on. 
  Another day of fun !!

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