Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The inadvertant vacation...and yes, we have no bananas today

  The ump grooving one into Jack.  On this night Jack played a t-ball game and actually hit the ball over the infielders heads and into the outfield.  He's something i'll tell ya.
  So again the vacation continues.  I realize how much i'm going to miss my partner in crime once he goes into school full time.  Imagine the boredom if I had to get stuck at home with no kids and/or nothing to do.  Maybe i'd find something to do but i'm sure it wouldnt be as much fun.  Today, Jackie had to go to preschool until around noon but again I grabbed him and out to the the river we went for a picnic.  Of course we brought some bats and balls, soccer balls and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The ump called about the time we got started with the picnic and joined in on the fun and festivities.
  This morning while Catherine was getting her stuff ready for school, she was looking for something to make for lunch including fruit or snacks.  Well...she made one heck of a mistake.  There i sat, around 7a.m. at the kitchen table reading the news on the computer and drinking my coffee.  Catherine, all sweetness about her, asked me the question i've been waiting to be asked my whole life.....she's lingering around, just going through the cabinets, looking for things.  I'm watching her and she says...."hey daddy, do we have any bananas?".    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....can you imagine my luck!!!  Catherine, yes, we have no bananas today......
We have a muttons, and buttons,
And kippers with zippers,
And pounds of devaluated pounds
Banana: S T I N K !
They aint no stinkin bananas!We got pickles and crocks;
We got bagels and locks;
A bagel that's-a done-a dipped in cement.
We got delicious knishes and kosher champagne
but yes Catherine, we have no bananas today !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
....imagine all those years of useless information finally coming to use.

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