Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jim Baseball tourney in CT

Off we went to the first of many away baseball tournaments for the oldest boy James.  He had a great time playing with all his baseball buds.  The first day we ended up going at around rush hour through Connecticut on Memorial day weekend and the baseball gods must have been looking out for us because we did okay going through the cities.  Just saw one lovely accident but we werent held up otherwise.  The great weather is all beginning as we used both the indoor and outdoor pool at the hotel. 
The first game was on Saturday morning at noon and then another one at four p.m.  His team won both games that day so they made it to the next round.  On Sunday the tourney turned into a single elimination where you had to leave after the first loss.  Our first game on Sunday we ended up losing in extra innings.  I hate to say this but it was kind of a blessing because we got to leave and head home to relieve Aunt Jo who was watching the other monsters.  The kids on his baseball team are very nice and they all get along fabulously. 
We had missed them too.
The food of the weekend was pizza.  I think if I look at one more pizza i'm going to turn into one.  My goodness, I can't imagine how the belt is going to fit around my waist anymore.  Of course it doesnt effect Jimmy one bit but we ate like crap.    A good time was had by all though.  
I love to see him smile while he's playing
celebrating a key late run

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