Saturday, May 19, 2012

Catherine's Opening day

      After some rain postponements, Catherine's softball season was a go today.  They switched alot this year so the first year girls have t-ball softball at age 7 even though she had coach pitch last year.  She has a very good swing already.  During her second at bat she knocked it to the outfield.  It was quite a blast.  Nana showed up after going to an Apple Blossom parade with the cousins.  Jack got to see his other cousins here and they could be heard a couple of counties away.  The field is right on the merrimack river so jack had to be restrained.  He was pointing to something here but i'm not quite sure.
      She is so sweet out there in the field. 

 Some of my favorite girls showed up to cheer on their other cousin Katie. 

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