Monday, May 28, 2012

The HIdden Harbor

     My little hippie had another school project where she had to learn about mysteries, specifically in books.  So off she went to the library in the mystery section and came back with a Hardy Boys book, 20 chapters worth.  It took us about two weeks but every night we read a little bit and eventually finished it together.  She would sit next to me and read along with me as I read it to her.  There were times while I was reading the book where I would ad lib the sentence and every single time she corrected me.  Can you imagine that!!  If it were me I'd have my eyes closed or only pretend to be reading along but Laura was actually reading along.  It was a very good book by the Hardy Boys.  She was fascinated that the book was written in 1935 and ALSO she asked me many times why there were NO women characters in the book.  My little hippie Laura is also a woman's rights gal.  She would stop me while I was reading and start asking me about why there isnt a woman as President yet.  She catches right onto the inequalities right away.  We have had to google alot of things such as when women were allowed to vote and how many have run for president.  She tells me she's going to run for president.  I say go for it hippie!! 

  Back to the book, we finally did finish the book after all those chapters and had a fabulous time doing it.  As in any mystery, we would leave the book for a day and then hate doing that but the bed would be calling.  I think the last day we ended up with four chapters in a row in a spectacular ending.  The final part of the project was to do a shoe box relica of the major characters and scenes from the book.  It was a fun book and Laura made it even more fun by laughing about the different characters and settings....She's very smart that Laura.

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