Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh my Jack

Sometimes, he can drive us batty. He doesnt like to go to sleep and when he's awake he is usually yelling at the top of his lungs. Not angry yelling, just yelling. Last night he was again coming out of his bed every minute or so while mommy was on the couch studying and daddy was trying to sleep before work. I heard all the commotion happening while mommy kept trying to tell him to get to bed, get to bed, get to bed. I'm awake while he is negotiating coming up with every excuse under the sun. He just had to have some water, go pee pee, have a snackie and then the list went on.
I was lying in the bed and I saw the little sucker come sneaking onto the bed and lie beside me, as if i wouldnt notice. He takes a pillow, holds it up high and plops it down on the bed making it just right for his head to rest on it. As always his legs start moving and he just keeps kicking. While he's doing this his hand is reaching and reaching under the clump of pillows as he puts one over his head (mommy hates that). His hands are still reaching under the pillows for something and he wont stop furiously moving around looking for whatever it was. I'm still pretending to sleep while I reach my hand underneath the pillow too. His hand meets mine and he holds on. He was just looking to hold my hand. When he found my hand he put his other hand there too so I held both his hands and he stopped beebopping around. I know its a boring story but I know this stuff isnt going to last forever. I held his hand until we both fell asleep.

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