Sunday, November 08, 2009

Guess where we went today

I guess we are predictable. For many years we have spent countless Sundays heading out to the river walk to sing on the stage. No matter what happens after that we end up going to see our good friend Black Gordon. This Sunday was no different.
Before we left we were getting ready to leave and Laura reminded me to grab the camera. Oh that girl always thinking for me. We packed all the goodies up in the hillbilly minivan, grabbed the backup white trash camera and went for it. The backup camera has certainly seen better days. Its a Kodak digital camera with duct tape holding it together. I went to the kids school last week for their Halloween party and brought it. Its a good thing they aren't at that age yet where Daddy absolutely embarrasses them. Maybe next year.
We went for a nice walk down the river walk. There were crew races going on while we were sitting on the stage. The kids began their impromptu concerts and also the stage races. They all brought their donuts and hawaii'n punch drinks and we actually sat down for about five minutes on the park benches.
We just made it to the trolley before it was about to take off. After a short trolley ride we hung out around the drained canal where the kids liked throwing leaves in the canal and just hanging around. After that we hung around the fake trolley with some other kids and their expressionless parents.
I was wondering if we should add some other locations to our repertoire. I don't know about that though. This hasn't really gotten old yet.

I guess I liked this picture of Laura so much I put it in twice. It seems wrong to delete its so beautiful~~

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