Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The little sneak

We have been trying like hell to get Jack to go to bed when the other kids go to bed. Sometimes it works, other times....well. Anyhow, he knows that when he is put into bed he is to stay put and not move. Not come out for his twentieth time for god knows what reason and he is not to go into Mommy and Daddy's room.
Last night was no different. He was put into his bed, tucked in and Lyn went into the living room to study/watch tv. At some point she did the obligatory check of all the mosters to see if they were okay. Something was not quite right on Jacks bed. Lyn hates it so much that Jack has taken to my bad habit of sleeping with the covers pulled over my head. She looks into Jacks bed and what does she see. Covers pulled over a clump. Presumably Jack right?? A closer look shows that Jack, in an attempt to conceal his flight, clumped up some blankies, grabbed a teddy bear and then covered it all to fool mommy into thinking he was in bed. A teddy bear. Can you believe how elaborate a hoax this kid pulled off. I think I saw this crap in the scene from escape from Alcatraz.
After a frantic search he was found under the covers in our room, where he was not supposed to be, accompanied by a Matt Christopher book. He had passed out. Lyn had put out the garbage (as all good wives should) and the first thought that went through her mind is that he must have snuck out while she was outside. Alas, he was found but not before his legend grew again.


Anonymous said...

Little Jack sounds like a sweet little boy I knew 40 odd years ago.

Anonymous said...

Little Jack sounds like a sweet little boy I knew 40 odd years ago.

frank528 said...

I am beginning to repeat that often repeated phrase of those elders before me..." if he would have been first, he would have been last"