Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holy Crap

I took a night off of work because.....who knows, I think I just needed it. Well, this morning the little terrorist came in as usual. He's a cute little terrorist though. After he was pleading his case for a trip the coffee shop and how he NEEDED to go there, I asked him to get Laura for me. Laura was in the living room with a blanket and was sitting quietly because she has been under the weather too much lately and with all this swine stuff going around we dont want to take any chances. Lyn left it up to me whether to send her to school so I wanted to talk to her and see how she was. Jack came into the room first and behind him was Laura.....HOLY CRAP !!!! When did it happen. I cant believe how tall she is!!! The time is flying by. This year she has grown and grown ....and then grown some more.
She lied down with Daddy and sold her dramatic illness. Of course Daddy bought what she was selling.
Motrin made things alot better a little while later. I even had her dressed for school but on the way out the door I changed my mind. Normally, I would have sent her in but because of the piggie flu it changes all that. Either way, she's here with me today.

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