Monday, March 30, 2009

Blind sleep walking and more

My little Catherine has really started to blossom into her own fun personality. Sunday, I think, she was playing on the computer for quite some time. Most of the time it was just looking at a game playing itself on the Disney Channel, but she was so enthralled in watching we almost forgot she was downstairs for quite some time. Though we are not big supporters of computer use by the kids, it was still real cute watching her doing grown-up stuff. At one point she just came upstairs smiling, mostly because she was able to do some stuff on her own without any help.
Last night in the dead of the night I was awakened by some little creature in the bedroom. Its that sixth sense parents get when we know one of the little buggers is up and around. Well, the house was unusually dark and all that could be made out was a shadow of one of the kids. I knew it wasn't Jimmy because they were too short. I made my way around the bed to where the little shadow was and I felt my way down to feel the little human. Still half asleep myself I found myself picking up the little person. I couldn't believe that I still didn't know who it was. I asked but got no response. All I knew was that there was a kid with an American Girl doll in their hands so the long hair could very well have been the dolls hair. Just because it was a doll didn't rule Jack out. So I was going to just go into Jacks bed and put the little one there until I thought about walking all the way to the bathroom. When I flipped the switch I found it to be Catherine.....She was half asleep with her customary sleeping smile.
I brought her into her bed as she hugged onto me never losing her cute little smirk. She wasn't awake but not quite asleep. She went into bed without protest and gave me a kiss goodnight. She was just walking into the bedroom for no apparent reason. It was very cute.
James has taken to going over Charlies house quite a bit lately and playing a bunch of games, mostly hockey and basketball. Laura joins him sometimes to play with Lizzy. They come over here also. They are good kids to be friends with.
Plans were made tonight for Catherine's trip to the American Girl doll cafe for her birthday. We are not going to New York city until she turns 6 so this will be a more local trip to a new store in Natick. She was so excited. I asked her who she wanted to go and she wants Emily, Laura and Erin to come with her. She has the smile when she's talking about it so you know its going to be an awesome time. Laura started telling her about how much fun she'll have when we go to New York City. She was telling her about the people skating at Rockerfeller Plaza and the taxicabs. She was remembering things that I even forgot about.
Little Jack has been attacking the poor dog. He is all over Frankie, all the time. The girls want to get a puppy. Oh boy, don't know about this one. I'm thinking this one wont be realistic. But I'm a pushover. Jackie took a header off the couch today too while he was doing some of his jungle gymnastics. At one point he took a dive into me head first...boing. I really remember my childhood craziness when he does this stuff....He really does crack you up just watching him. He is learning so much just looking at the other kids, watching what they do. Its going to be fun once the weather turns and Jack and I get to start his baseball career.
The "real" baseball season starts next week when practices start for Laura and Jimmy's team. I"m managing Jimmy's team and am hoping to help coach Laura's team. she's got a pretty good arm. This is the exciting time of year....stay tuned.
This weekend (Saturday) we did the cleanup that has been desperately needed since the old oak tree came crashing down on us in December. Friday, Eddie had come over for pizza so Lyn took the opportunity to schedule his attendance for Saturday. Well, we had nowhere to put Stickland so burn burn burn it went. We had quite the bonfire going on for most of the day. I'm thinking Eddie is a pyro. He kept wanting to throw more gas on the fire. It makes me remember one time when we were around 18 and staying at the Salisbury state park. We tented out and decided to cook our own food on the provided grill. Ump threw a little bit of gas on the fire, including on the food. Needless to say, we ended up going to MacDonald's for dinner. If I remember correctly, we survived on liquid nourishment most of the time anyhow, waking up with the tent on top of us in the morning......those were the days.

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