Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wacky clothes week

To update Laura's wacky clothes week.....
Yesterday, on St. Patrick's day, she won first prize in her class for wearing the most green....did I write that already? Today, she wore her clothes inside out, including her sweater being on backwards. Before she headed off on the bus I stopped her to tell her that her hoodie was in the front. Of course she corrected me and let me know what it was all about....I thought she was having a Laura moment. On Thursday she's having a 'wear some of your parents clothes day' thing going on. She's wearing Lyn's heels....we'll see how that goes.
On St. Patty's day we got two dozen green carnations and handed them out. Bus driver Pat got one handed to her from Jack. Catherine was a bit miffed so we had to wait for Jimmy's bus driver Jack so that Catherine could give him one. After that we walked the neighborhood and gave some to the older neighbor ladies, except Mrs Ring who I think is secretly 30. The kids had fun especially when Angie gave the kids some chocolate chip cookies she had. Of course she gave them some chocolates all wrapped up. I put some in my pocket to hold for later. Well, you know what happens to chocolates when they are put in a pocket........especially in the same pocket as your cell phone. Eileen called me at one point, I went to get the phone and sure enough, the phone was covered in melted chocolate. She kept yelling in the phone like someone who is frustrated with cell phones. Chocolate had melted into the phone and she couldnt hear me......some maintenance was required and it works like....used. After this, we went to Shirley's house for the delivery of a full dozen of the carnations. Every year Grammy Franny had me deliver a dozen to Shirl and the tradition had to continue.....The kids loved running around her house and she loved having them over. Shirley is very irish and appreciated the irish garb the kids were wearing. Lyn explained to them about how Shirley was GF's best friend. That was all that needed to be said for them to like her. They liked her otherwise but they told her how their Grammy was so nice to them....she really was.
I like how this holiday is a big event around here. Its good to see the kids dressed up so goofy. There is the youtube video of 'seven old ladies' that we must have watched about 100 times along with numa numa. Even Jack got in on the action. Its a funny song but even funnier when the kids hear about huberta humphrey went in to get comfy, she tried to get up but she couldnt get her bum free and nobody knew she was there.

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