Saturday, March 07, 2009

Hoping for Spring to come

That poor snowman(thing) didnt last too long. someone came over and saw the black helmet in the middle of the driveway and asked about its origin. Upon looking at the poor snow wedge, I saw that it had melted away, possibly to come back again some day.....or not.
Today was a pretty nice day, hopefully indicating spring weather to come along soon. Jack and Catherine are a little under the weather the last couple of days.
He's been talking alot more lately and coming up with new words everyday. He hasnt broken anything the last couple of days so we cant rest waiting for the next crash. Not really that bad....As i was sleeping the last couple of weeks during odd hours I would hear a crash that would jar me out of sleep....I would wait and hope to hear voices or any signs of life. It always came thankfully and right back to sleep I would go.
Yesterday morning as I was leaving work I recieved a message from Laura's kindergarten teacher telling me she was in a pickle and needed my immediate help. I got to the class and helped with the reading program. It was fun. From student to student I got to help them read using the finger reading method. Laura was so happy and cute and I must say, she was a good reader too.
Jimmy had another basketball game today and yet again, no most christlike award. We are trying though.

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