Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weee Hoooooooooooooooooooooo

Jimmy had a hockey game on Saturday against, by far, the most obnoxious team in the state. He was goalie and was stopping everything that they threw at him. The score was 1-0 the whole game when for some reason the coach for the other team called for a penalty shot against us. He didnt take losing very well. I kind of took Jimmy out of the shot because I was busy watching. I got a little fired up as did the rest of the fans in the stands. The game ended at 1-0

After watching the video for about the 100th time I realized I matched them for being obnoxious. Its hard not to get carried away though when the other fans are screaming like they were, not to mention the phantom penalty.....Another page right out of the perfect parenting book that must have been ripped out before I read it.


Anonymous said...

That kid is like a brick wall. I think that screech may be a contender for the most obnoxious fan in the state.

frank528 said...

I think I sounded like a nice little girlie...