Monday, February 09, 2009

Six of one, half dozen of the other...grrr

And I thought I just posted the other day. This week just absolutely flew by. Most of the time we dont know what day it is until the kids tell us that its almost pizza day (Friday). Speaking of Friday, the two oldest are just loving their skiing lessons. That Laura has just improved so much on the slopes, I'm so impressed. The camera is coming with me this Friday to catch her. I watched her last week and didnt even see her fall once....not once, maybe ten times...hardy har har...she actually was awesome. Jimmy is another story, he is just flying all over the place. I dont remember why, but on Saturday Jimmy didnt make his basketball game.....might have been something religious.....see what I mean, who the hell knows.
On Sunday, mommy went to a baby shower for cousin Rachel. That gave us kids the chance to go outside in the snow and raise hell. Jimmy stayed inside because he wasnt feeling all that well. He said he wanted to watch us like he did on Easter. Well, the girls sat on the snowbank on the street and told me it was Laura's house. Jack and I sat on the tailgate of the hillbilly minivan for a spell and then he sat inside the car because he just wanted to watch. At one point the girls went to stickland and to make us more of the white trash family, I got an outdoor chair and plopped it in the snow so I could bring jack over and just sit there, instead of having to stand or get my bottom wet. We were out there for quite a while until Catherine was getting cold and we went in the house.
Its amazing how much Jack has just been singing on and on. Its Blues Clues mostly but he's added "so what" (i'm a rock star) with Catherine's help. I guess its a popular song with all the kiddies. He came over to me tonight, jumped on my lap and demanded for me to do the "wheels on the bus". He likes it when the people on the bus go up and down. He clenches his fist to say "again, again, again". I think Kara taught us that move a long long time ago.
The email came the other day about the baseball season. I have to get the kids motivated to play because his mind has been preoccupied with hockey. Next years hockey is four days a week. stay tuned for that one. I am manager again this year and I put in for Mike(Clayton) and Bill(Zachary) to be on the team. I also asked for Charlie but they told me that limit is two requests. I needed the coaches.
Laura had irish step tonight and she was teaching Jack and Catherine how to do the Pirouette. (I just checked the spelling on that word and I think I got it right,I"m so impressed). Anyway, she was correcting me as to where my foot should be when i am spinning. Jack seemed a little too good at it and Catherine just cannot wait to start irish step this September. She already does the tap tap thing.
I was cleaning out my old camera the other day and found some old videos that were in it. One of them was Jimmy's first baseball game and what I think was his first ever hit in a game. Even then he was so methodical about his stance, how far from the plate and such. it was very cute.

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