Lying in bed yesterday with Lyn and Catherine we had this funny sense that something was not quite right. Jack had been just a bit too quiet in the other room and that is never good. Then there was this funny noise, sounding a bit like the river down the street. I would hear Lyn about ten seconds later and the next thing I knew I was ankle deep in bathroom water. Jack had stuffed a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet. He just stood there looking at me..like what..me?? what you lookin at daddy?? He's so lucky he's cute.
The girls have been all over me to let them create their own blog, like the nick show i-carly.com. so we have an i-laura.com and i-princesscatherine.com and others with jimmy and jack.
Jimmy has been doing fantastic in sports. Today in his basketball game, he scored 14 points and his team won 18-4. He's an agressive player. Sometimes it seems like its tackle basketball. Threw another hockey picture in there too.
Catherine has been trying like crazy to spell her name. Its not quite fair that she has such a long complicated name. we make it as homework and its on the wall for her.
I got to go to Laura and Catherines dance this week. We played with Jen's kids in the play room. Those kids are hoots. they like to sing and smile.
Jack has been his regular crazy self. He's been very clingy lately too. He's like my little mini-me. Lyn says that he's just like me.
The three youngest also put on a play for us in the living room today.
Because our anniversary is coming up the girls made us a cake today. Got some cute pictures of them making the chocolate cake.
Aunt Jo gave us some scratch tickets for our anniversary and we won $90.
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