Sunday, February 01, 2009

Happy February

Another weekend and month done, where in the world does all the time go? This week is going to be quite different as I change shifts once again.....
The kids were pretty well behaved today as umple eddie and Scotty came over to watch the Super Bowl. Lyn wasn't feeling too good but she made some damn good food for all to eat. I ate wayyy too much. After all that food the ump wanted some Pizza Hut pizza so we had that too.
Catherine keeps getting cuter every day. She just snuggles up and is so happy with whatever we do. She keeps talking about her birthday and what we are going to do for it. She's been talking about going to Chucky Cheese for along time. No matter what we do with her she is just such a smiling, happy, little girl.
Jimmy and Laura made a video where they pretended they were on the moon and were bouncing up and down. Jimmy, of course, took the opportunity to lift his shirt and rub his belly like the guy we saw at the Bruins game. And speaking of professional hockey games......James will be playing in a pro stadium next month with his team. I would like to tell you he is out of his mind psyched but I cant see beyond my excitement for him. I love when the kids go to his hockey games and cheer him on, especially Jack.
Tonight I walked downstairs and hardly felt any pain in my back. I didnt (and dont) know what to do so I"m here writing. I woke up Lyn to tell her so she told me to have fun with it then....whatever that means....Maybe the secret is to stuff my face with all kinds of fatty foods, devil dogs, pizza and ice cream cake. That might be it.
Jimmy also had his second basketball game yesterday and he did so much better. He was passing the ball well as well as dribbling. I had a bad influence on my direct right hand side so I had to bow my head during halftime at the Christian basketball league and promise not to look up...or else I think. Jimmy ended up with four points again with much less shots. He was really impressive.
Speaking of the religious child, James had his first penance on Saturday. We went into the church and the church lady was at the front of the church and directed us all as to what to do. Nana showed up. Jimmy was nervous, cute actually, before he went in. I could see him as he was talking to the priest. I actually felt bad that I was watching but its kind of irresistable because he is so cute. Anyway, we went and lit a candle for Grammy Franny and Pop pop and then left a little while later. When we went home later on, he was downstairs and he approached me sort of cautiously. I could tell he had something to say. He and his buddy Zach had put masking tape on the wood floor downstairs to mark the floor hockey area. He was so afraid that he was going to be in trouble for it. He even asked "Am I in trouble for this?". Maybe I should have taken advantage...not really. First communion is coming soon.

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