Ahhhh, Jacks first haircut. We had put it off as long as possible. Darrel had been after us for some time to bring him in to chop those locks but we decided that the long curly hair was kind of cute and looked good on him, because it did. Plus, Jack being Jack, who knows what torture Darrel or Jeannette would have to endure. It wasnt as painful as I had anticipated. He squirmed a little bit and let out some miniature cries .but all in all, it wasnt that bad. His hair was so curly it made it hard for Jeannette to cut but there was no blood so life was good.
He looks so handsome with his new hairdo.
The video is of Jack doing his knock knock on arch-oo. He's so cute...he even told me so today. He said "Jack so cute". Cant argue with that one.

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