Friday, January 02, 2009

My Little goalie and wrestler

What a great little goalie!!! James won his first game of the year in goal. 7-2.

Many breakaways like this one were turned back. All week long he was sooo excited about being the goalie including the night before when he woke up three times through the night to make sure he didnt oversleep.


Then there was tonight when Lyn and I went to see Jim in his first ever wrestling tourney. There were a bunch of wrestlers in front of him to go and he waited patiently. when it was his time to go he went right at it. He was very agressive, maybe too agressive as he slammed his head into his opponents elbow. It hurt and the poor little buggah was embarassed and started welling up a bit with tears. They called off the match. Up until that point he had done pretty well. He states he wants to go at it again so we'll see.

I'm watching a show on childbirth, kids etc....hmmmmm. Its cute but all they speak to is the earthy crunchy people....

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