Sunday, January 11, 2009

Celebrating laryngitis

So I cant yell to the kids for anything or at the kids for anything. I think Lyn is trying to kill me with this whole nursing thing(a quick proof read shows that this dont sound quite right, but what the hell) and Jack is feeding anything edible to Frankie.
Catherine this week had a little cold so I just kind of ignore it because I know I wont catch anything from them will I....of course not. But last night I just finally lost my voice. Its actually funny when I answer the phone and the other people cant hear me and I just look at the phone. Today, it was Patrick calling.
Lyn wants to give me her special medicine to make the voice better. It started with spraying lysol all over the house, including on my toast. Okay, that was probably an accident but yuck....and about the toast...garlic and butter...oo boy. Then to top it off there was a hot glass of milk. This goes back to my childhood where I remember throwing up from some hot milk. So thats not going to happen.
This afternoon, James has a hockey game. His first penance is coming up as well as the first communion in April. Both he and Laura had the first skiing lessons of the season on Friday. Jimmy was WHIPPING all over the place. Absolutely flying down the hills. Laura really hasnt skied (is that a word?) before so this was her first lesson...she was awesome about it. She ended up on the ground most of the lesson so I thought that would discourage her but it didnt at all. After the lesson she still wanted to go back on the bunny hill so we let her...Kara and Lyn stuck around after the lessons later to let Jimmy and Emily fly down the big hill for a while while me and Laura went home to greet the Pizza eaters. Aunt's Estelle, Janie,Margie and my aunt Chrissy were over as well as Jackie and her two little angels. Umple also came over. Speaking of umple, on Friday when Lyn and I were on our way to Boston we saw the ump on the other side of the highway flying home...I'm' thinking he was supposed to be at work...but I digress.
On Saturday, Aunti Jo came over and our beautiful little girls went to the hair salon to get their locks chopped. This was Catherine's first trip there. Lyn told me that Laura was nonstop chatter talking about anything and everything. Catherine was so cute. Its so fun just to watch her doing things like this that she enjoys. The smile and overall look on her face is priceless.
We are going to have to start a daily blog on the Jack broken article of the day website. He's a tv sitcom all to himself
Back to Lyn trying to kill me. She swears that garlic toast and butter is good for you and wont take no for answer so we all know who is going to win that one. The hot milk is bad enough. She's a hoot thats what she is.
I love aunt Jo's new camera. That stitching option is awesome.

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