Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ballunteer Day

This morning was my monthly volunteer day at Jimmy's school. I, of course, went there yesterday but it was one day early. It's pretty cool, they have stations set up around the classroom and the kids go from one table to the next doing different things like spelling and drawing and rhyming. His best buds are Zach and Clayton, of course. I'm already finding him a wife out of his classmates. This year it is Grace. She is sooooo cute and a nice, nice gal.
The teacher is very nice too. She has a good handle on the class. If one of the kids acts up too much they go to yellow light and if, god forbid, they get worse they go to red light and get a ticket that mommy or daddy have to sign. Whenever someone gets a ticket its like the big scandal and Jimmy gets so excited, like a little gossip hound.

Catherine starts her second week in school today. She is sooooooooooooo excited again. She loves it. We were kind of worried about it but there was no need (yet anyway).

Laura woke up during the night last night tossing her cookies. She's sick....She is pathetic when she is sick. She asked me to call Grammy Franny this morning and tell her that she was sick. She made me promise before I left the house.

Jack seems to be getting better. He does this thing now where he scrunches his face together and gives me a mean look. Over the weekend he did this to me for about an hour. He's a nut!

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